University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-6502-2484
University of Padua, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-8099-0432
Monica Fedeli, Vanna Boffo
Introduction: The Project from Beginning to End and Beyondpp.XI-XV
Anna Dalla Rosa, Michelangelo Vianello, Barbara Barbieri
The Role of Mentors on the Development of Calling in Students: a 3-Year Investigationpp.5-18
Barbara Barbieri
The Pursuit of Happiness: a Reflection on the Calling Constructpp.19-22
Monica Fedeli
The Student Voice in Higher Education and the Implications of Promoting Faculty Developmentpp.25-36
Daniela Frison
The Design of Work-Related Teaching & Learning Methods: Case Studies and Methodological Recommendationspp.37-48
Claudio Melacarne
Supporting Informal Learning in Higher Education Internshipspp.51-63
Maura Striano
Higher Education and Work-Related Learning from Professionalism to Professionalitypp.65-74
Antonia Cunti
Guidance Specificity in Educational Research. Criticisms and Area of Intervention in Higher Educationpp.103-113
Vanna Boffo
Employability and Transitions: Fostering the Future of Young Adult Graduatespp.117-127
Concetta Tino
The Voice of Teachers Involved in School-Work Alternance Programmespp.151-161
Nadia Sansone, Donatella Cesareni, Ilaria Bortolotti
Promoting 21st century skills in Higher Education through collaboration and activitiespp.163-173
Glenda Galeotti, Gilda Esposito
A Student Voice Approach in Work-Related Learning. From Lesson-Learned in Secondary School to Suggestions for Higher Educationpp.175-192
Daniela Maccario
Professionalization of Teachers and Problematization Processespp.193-204
Nicola Andrian
INTEREURISLAND: from Field Research to a Possible Model for Internationalizing University Social Responsibility Experiencespp.205-219
Giordana Szpunar, Barbara Barbieri
The Role Model within Professional Training. The Complexity and Flexibility of Education Professionspp.223-235
Cristina Palmieri, Marina Barioglio, Andrea Galimberti, Maria Benedetta Gambacorti-Passerini, Tania Morgigno
The ‘Second Level’ Education Professional: a Traineeship Programme Fostering a Proactive Approach to Employabilitypp.237-247
Alessandra Romano
Professional Development Tutoring: Comparing Italian and International Modelspp.249-263
Anna Salerni, Silvia Zanazzi
Insights from the Fields: the Role of Reflection in ‘Learning How to Learn’pp.265-280
Patrizia Sposetti
Educators in Training and Writing: Perception, Experiences, Problemspp.281-292
Sergio Bellantonio
Fostering Personal Knowledge and Competences in Higher Education Guidance Processespp.305-313
Natascia Bobbo, Silvia Lazzaro
Nursing Students’ Future Employment Preferences and the Real Demands of Patients using the Health Services. A Qualitative Study on a Group of Final-Year Students at the University of Paduapp.315-326
Valentina Paola Cesarano, Marianna Capo, Maria Papathanasiou, Maura Striano
Guidance Models and Practices Adopted Internationally to Promote the Exploration of Skills Relating to the Employability of Students with Disabilities. A First Meta-Analysispp.327-340
Marianna Capo, Valentina Paola Cesarano, Maria Papathanasiou, Maura Striano
Telling Transversal Competences… to be Professionally Promotedpp.341-364
Massimiliano Costa, Andrea Strano
Boosting Entrepreneurship Capability in Work Transitionspp.389-398
Maria Luisa Iavarone, Fausta Sabatano
Transfer of Non-Academic Skills in Academic Context: towards a Sustainable Employabilitypp.399-409
Gaia Gioli
Employability-Oriented Curriculum: Strategies and Tools to Train Young Graduates. The PRIN EMP&Co. Projectpp.411-424
Cristina Lisimberti
Doctorates and Employability: New Perspectives for Doctoral Educationpp.425-433
Carlo Terzaroli
The Role of Higher Education in a Changing World: Why Employability Matterspp.447-457
Francesca Torlone
The Value Proposition of Organizations for Young Graduates and their Employabilitypp.459-470
Alessandra Vischi
Employability and Transitions towards Work: MSc Degree Programme in Educational Planning and Human Resource Development, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Bresciapp.471-480
Vanna Boffo, Monica Fedeli
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer of the Research. Final Remarkspp.481-485
Titolo del libro
Employability & Competences
Sottotitolo del libro
Innovative Curricula for New Professions
Vanna Boffo, Monica Fedeli
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Numero di pagine
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2018 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
Licenza dei metadati
Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Studies on Adult Learning and Education
ISSN della collana
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