This work is the result of the European INTALL Project, International and Comparative Studies for Students and Practitioners in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (2018-2021). From early September 2018 to the end of August 2021, this project allowed us to build knowhow about some specific issues of adult education. The latest meeting of the INTALL project partners led to a conference about the role of Adult Education Research, during and after Covid-19, and the importance of re-thinking Lifelong and Lifewide Learning for the future. Based on four sections, Innovation and Future Competences in Adult Education Research, Professionalisation in Adult Education, Sustainability, Inclusion and Wellbeing: Topics for Adult Society and Smart Cities and Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in Post-Pandemic Time: A Digital Transformation, the volume represents an opportunity to foster a debate on key issues in the field of Adult Learning and Education across Europe.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-6502-2484
University of Würzburg Julius Maximilian, Germany - ORCID: 0000-0001-8907-5583
Paolo Federighi
Institutional Learning in Higher Education and Graduate Transitionspp.17-32
Katarina Popović, Ivan Nišavić
The Role of Adult Learning and Education in (Post-)Covid Timespp.33-52
Lisa Breitschwerdt, Regina Egetenmeyer
The International Adult Education Academy and Its Contribution to Professionalisation in Adult Educationpp.53-68
Jennifer Danquah, Vanessa Beu, Regina Egetenmeyer
Internationalisation in Higher Education: A Virtual Adult Education Academy in Times of COVID-19pp.81-93
Paolo Di Rienzo
Narrative Approach in the Portfolio Method for Adult Education. Guidance for the Recognition of Competences in the Perspective of Lifelong Learningpp.95-110
Vanna Boffo, Dino Mancarella
The Link between Universities and the Labour Market: Perceiving the Building of Employability Processes in Higher Educationpp.135-157
Paula Guimarães
Adult Educators and Recognition of Prior Learning in Portugal: Guidance and Validation Tasks and Activitiespp.159-174
Borut Mikulec, Mateja Kovšca
Professionalisation of Adult Education in Slovenia from a Multi-level Perspectivepp.175-193
Thomas Lichtenberg
Curriculum InstitutionALE – Professionalization of Adult Education Institutionspp.195-202
Balàzs Nemèth
Balancing Between Smart and Inclusive: Learning Cities for Sustainable Urban Communitiespp.205-217
Maria Luisa Iavarone, Francesco Vincenzo Ferraro
Rethinking Learning Practices in the Covid-Era: Indications for Teachers and Educatorspp.219-228
Daniela Frison
Higher Education in Post-Covid19: The Digital Transformation of Work-Integrated Learning Programmespp.241-250
Sabine Schmidt-Lauff
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in Post-Covid Times: A Digital Transformationpp.251-263
Concetta Tino
The Digital Transformation of Higher Education: From INTALL Project Results to Practical Implications for the New Normalpp.265-275
Titolo del libro
Re-thinking Adult Education Research. Beyond the Pandemic
Vanna Boffo, Regina Egetenmeyer
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Numero di pagine
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2023 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
Licenza dei metadati
Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Studies on Adult Learning and Education
ISSN della collana
e-ISSN della collana