What is the ‘Scientific Cloud for Books’?
Although books represent a fundamental tool for the dissemination of knowledge and career advancement in universities, they have remained on the sidelines of the digital revolution that has involved other forms of scientific literature, such as scientific journals.
Firenze University Press coined the label ‘FUP Scientific Cloud for Books’ to promote an ecosystem of high-quality scientific books, bridging the gap with journals and taking full advantage of digital tools. The Scientific Cloud is designed to ensure greater visibility and impact for monographs and collective volumes, by providing the academic community with new and more effective tools for publishing research results.
The Scientific Cloud describes in a systematic and comprehensive way, through a metadata cloud, all the fundamental aspects of a scientific book: authorship, evaluation process, publishing formats, dissemination tools, accessibility, and impact metrics. In other words, the creation, evaluation, dissemination, and archiving of a book are no longer complementary elements, but intrinsic characteristics certifying its value and quality. In this way, all the crucial features of a volume are properly described and made easily actionable by researchers, research institutions, panels of evaluators of competing projects, public funders and, in general, by the community of students and readers.
Thanks to the Scientific Cloud, FUP fulfils its role as a non-profit and public publisher, offering authors and scholars an open and inclusive publishing environment based on sustainable business models and copyright policies that enhance research accessibility. As we encourage an equal participation and distribution of knowledge, Open Access is the most obvious choice to disseminate research, measuring its impact in terms of views and downloads through certifiable metrics.
What is the ‘Scientific Cloud for Books’?
Content provided by authors and curators is at the heart of a book. However, one should not forget that books need other contributors: they are selected by a publisher, discussed with the series’ editor, evaluated by a scientific committee, and certified through a peer-review process.
The "FUP Scientific Cloud for Books" project captures these fundamental features through the adoption of appropriate editorial practices and specific metadata. The result is a next-generation digital edition enhancing the dissemination and impact potential of monographs, while certifying the processes and actors involved at each publishing step.
In a communication ecosystem where metadata and scientific dissemination go hand in hand, metadata becomes co-responsible for the success of a publication.
Each volume published in the Firenze University Press catalogue adheres to the following editorial best practices in relation to four main areas:
Peer review:
Publishing formats:
Access, dissemination and impact:
FUP Scientific Cloud for Books in Numbers
Published by FUP
CC BY 4.0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/fup_best_practice.2