The ninth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurements Techniques was organized by CNR-IBE in collaboration with Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, and Natural History Museum of the Mediterranean and under the patronage of University of Florence, Accademia dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, Tuscany Region, The North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority, Livorno Municipality and Livorno Province. In the Symposium Scholars had illustrated their activities and exchanged innovative proposals, with common aims to promote actions to preserve coastal marine environment. Despite the COVID 19 pandemic, the success of this edition is attested by the 170 contributions selected by the Scientific Committee from among those received. Participation involved all the thematic lines envisaged by the sessions, involving many countries of the Mediterranean Sea. A big endeavor for a costal environment of paramount importance but threatened by global changes. The importance of this Proceedings is attested by the fact that this volume is the first issue of a new FUP Series.
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1259-1210
University of Sassari, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1050-3344
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-5698-4286
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-4790-9540
Edward Anthony
Impacted fluvial and coastal sediment connectivity in the Mediterranean: a brief review and implications in the context of global environmental changepp.5-15
Ana del Carmen Arriola Velásquez, Alicia Tejera Cruz, Ignacio Alonso Bilbao, Walter Geibert, Ingrid Stimac, Fernándo Cámara Artigas, Neus Miquel Armengol, Héctor Eulogio Alonso Hernández, Jesús García Rubiano, Pablo Martel Escobar
Beach sediment dynamics from natural radionuclides point of viewpp.16-26
Filippo D’Ascola, Maria Luisa Cassese, Nicola Lugeri, Valeria Pesarino, Andrea Salmeri
The ISPRA geodatabase for monitoring and analysis of the state of the italian coasts: an example of its application to the Rocchette - Castiglione della Pescaia coast linepp.27-37
Isabel López, Antonio J. Tenza-Abril, Luis Aragonés, José Ignacio Pagán
Evolution of the surface roughness of a coarse sand after a beach nourishmentpp.38-46
Marco Luppichini, Monica Bini, Andrea Berton, Nicola Casarosa, Silvia Merlino, Marco Paterni
A method based on beach profile analysis for shoreline identificationpp.47-60
José Ignacio Pagán, Luis Bañón, Pablo Ortíz, Luis Aragonés, Isabel López
Use of RPAS to monitor coastal dune systems and beach erosion in Guardamar del Segura, Spainpp.61-69
Andrea Picciolo, Rita Auriemma, Sergio Fai, Luigi Coluccia, Antonella Antonazzo, Cosimo Buccolieri
Use of mixed study techniques in the evaluation of coastline dynamics - the “Porto Cesareo” MPA case of studypp.70-82
Kristina Pikelj, Petra Godec, Blanka Cvetko Tešović
Sedimentological consequences of Posidonia Oceanica banquette removal: Sakarun beach case study (Dugi otok, Croatia)pp.83-92
Dimitris Vandarakis, Ioannis Kourliaftis, Maria Salomidi, Vassilis Gerakaris, Yiannis Issaris, Chara Agaoglou, Vassilis Kapsimalis, Ioannis Panagiotopoulos
Geomorphological approaches to study Posidonia banquettes and their effects on the coastal front of Schinias - Marathon National Parkpp.93-103
Santo Altavilla, Maura Pisconti, Federica Galeano, Silvia Aquaro, Fabio Tiralongo, Giuseppina Corrente, Emiliano Santocchini, Daniele Giannelli, Aurelio Caligiore
The development of "sustainable" surveillance and monitoring activity carried out by the italian Coast guard for the safeguard of the Marine Protected Areaspp.111-121
Rym Ben Dhiab, Rafika Challouf, Emna Derouiche, Hamdi Ben Boubaker, Wael Kouched, Mourad Attouchi, Hela Jaziri, Sana Ben Ismail
Beach macro-litter monitoring on Monastir coastal sea (Tunisia): First Findingspp.122-131
Carlo Bisci, Gino Cantalamessa, Simona Casavecchia, Mario Tramontana, Federico Spagnoli
Coastal dunes along the Marche littoral (Adriatic side of central Italy)pp.132-145
Thomas Bisiani
Trieste, back to the sea. Designing sustainability and development of logistics and industrial port areas after the pandemic.pp.146-155
Joana Buoninsegni, Elisabetta Olivo, Maria Grazia Paletta, Carmela Vaccaro, Corinne Corbau
Marine litter surveys on Boccasette beach (Rovigo, Italy)pp.156-164
Anna Rosa Candura, Luca Fois, Emanuele Poli
The economic and environmental impact of large ships on the territory, on the coast and on the sea: the MSC cruises case studypp.165-174
Donatella Carboni, Giovanni Messina, Vittorio Gazale, Ester Tarricone
Fishing and territory. Status and perspectives of Sardinia artisanal fisheries. The case of traditional fishery in Asinara Island MPApp.175-186
Alberta Cazzani, Marco Peli, Stefano Barontini
Analysis and survey of Lake Garda lemon houses: a tool to understand and manage a Mediterranean landscape in Lombardypp.187-199
Filippo D’Ascola, Anne-Laure Beck, Maria Luisa Cassese, Martin Jones, Nicola Lugeri, Valeria Pesarino, Andrea Salmeri, Mohamed Amine Taji
Monitoring of the evolution of “barene” borders and the safeguard of the Venice Lagoon morphology: a contribution from the Coastal Change From Space Project resultspp.200-210
Josip Dorigatti, Tina Peric, Gorana Jelic Mrcelic
Marine protected areas and the problem of paper parkspp.211-220
Claudia Farris, Dario Giaiotti, Stefano Miniussi, Cristina Sgubin, Nicolò Tudorov
An integrated approach for marine litter hot spots identificationpp.221-233
Laura Giordano, Francesco Paolo Buonocunto, Luciana Ferraro, Alfonsa Milia, Matilda Mali
The environmental function analysis: a promising tool to evaluate the coastal zone conservation potentialpp.234-243
Antonietta Ivona, Lucrezia Lopez, Donatella Privitera
Old landmarks and new functions. Coastal architectures redesign the geography of the coastal beltspp.244-252
Giulia Luciani
Water, heritage, city: urbanized deltas on the line between nature and culturepp.253-261
Martina Marras, Mara Ladu
Nature protection and local development: a study concerning a natural park located in Sardinia (Italy)pp.262-271
Cristina Montaldi, Piera Fischione, Davide Pasquali, Francesco Zullo
Land use analysis and coastal structures: Adriatic Coast as a case studypp.272-282
Rita Pombo, Carlos Coelho, Peter Roebeling
Protecting Vagueira (Portugal) waterfront: preserving natural, recreational, residential, and commercial functionspp.283-292
Maria Russo
The territorial organization of the Amalfi Coast: nature and man's interventionpp.293-302
Claudio Saragosa, Michela Chiti
Atmospheric agents and spatial planning. Case study of the municipality of Rosignano Marittimo in Tuscanypp.303-311
Michelangelo Savino, Chiara Cesarini, Filippo Da ru
A new proposal for a strategic and resilient regeneration plan for seaside waterfronts. An Adriatic case: Riccione.pp.312-321
Maurizio Simeone, Paola Masucci, Martina Defina, Gianmarco Di Pace, Caterina De Vivo
Development of a sustainable accessibility model for the Marine Protected Area Gaiola Underwater Park, in Naples, Italypp.322-332
Ana Sopina, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci
Spatial planning prospects on changeability process of urban and natural (Land)scape relations - The dynamics of Ancona on the West and Rijeka on the East Adriatic Coastpp.333-342
Valentina Spagnoli, Claudio Piferi
Regeneration of historic centers in Mediterranean cities: the case study of the Venice district in Livornopp.343-353
Massimo Bagnarol, Massimo Celio, Stefania Del Frate,, Dario Giaiotti, Simone Martini, Michela Mauro
The ARPA FVG support to oil spill emergency response in the gulf of Triestepp.365-377
Amina Ben Mefteh, Valérie Mesnage, Sarra Ben Jeddi, Mohamed-Amine Helali, Noureddine Zaaboub, Jean-Marie Barrois, Walid Oueslati
Assessment of trace metal contamination and phosphorus dynamic in sediments of Monastir Bay (Tunisia)pp.378-389
Fabrizio Benincasa, Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni Fasano
The forgotten nautical astronomical instrumentspp.390-400
Fabrizio Benincasa, Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni Fasano
Sea level measurements in Mediterranean coastpp.401-415
Cyrine Chouba, Sophie Delpoux, Léa Causse, Mylène Marie, Rémi Freydier, Mylène Toubiana, Patrick Monfort, Olivier Pringault, Chrystelle Montigny
Status of water quality and impact of dredging activities in four ports of the gulf of Aigues Mortes (France)pp.416-425
Daniele Colarossi, Eleonora Tagliolini, Paolo Principi
Optimization model for a hybrid photovoltaic/cold ironing system: life cycle cost and energetic/environmental analysispp.426-435
Ilaria Dalle Mura, Enrico Barbone, Daniela Battista, Cosimo Gaspare Giannuzzi, Sergio Ranieri, Giuseppe Strippoli, Antonietta Zito, Nicola Ungaro
A first assessment of microplastics in the sea waters off the Puglia regionpp.436-445
Paolo Diviacco, Massimiliano Iurcev, Rodrigo Carbajales, Alessandro Busato, Mihai Burca, Alberto Viola, Nikolas Potleca, Sara Zanardi, Ilaria Cunico, Nicola Pino
Citizen science based marine environmental monitoring. The MOANA60 Experiencepp.446-455
Julie Droit, Mohamed El Fadili, Marion Messager
Assessment of the chemical quality of sediments in the maritime port of Reunion. Concentrations in trace metals and natural geochemical backgrounds.pp.456-460
Mauro Esposito, Maurizio Della Rotonda, Ciro Sbarra, Maria Stefanelli, Maria Grazia Aquila, Aniello Anastasio, Paolo Sarnelli, Pasquale Gallo, Yuri Cotroneo, Laura Fortunato, Raffaele Montella, Lucio De Maio
Environmental investigations in the Gulf of Pozzuoli (Naples) in relation to PAHs contaminationpp.461-470
Hela Jaziri, Emna Derouiche, Wael Kouched, Hamdi Ben Boubaker, Rym Ben Dhiab, Rafika Challouf, Sana Ben Isamail
First investigation of microplastic pollution in Monastir Sea surface water (eastern Tunisia)pp.471-483
Mikaël Kedzierski, Maialen Palazot, Lata Soccalingame, Mathilde Falcou-Préfol, Gabriel Gorsky, François Galgani, Stéphane Bruzaud, Maria Luiza Pedrotti
Chemical composition of microplastics floating on the Mediterranean Sea surfacepp.484-493
Giampiero Lombardini, Paola Salmona, Angela Celeste Taramasso
Application of statistical analysis to estimate the costal hazard. A case study in Liguria regionpp.494-503
Daniela Malcangio, Daniele Celli, Umberto Fratino, Maria Francesca Bruno, Matteo Gianluca Molfetta, Luigi Pratola, Stefania Geronimo, Adriana Maria Lotito, Paolo Francesco Garofoli, Marcello Di Risio
Biodiversity smart monitoring guided by historical analysis of coastal evolutionpp.504-514
Davor Mance, Diana Mance, Darija Vukic Lušic
Managing water commons using mediator variables to bridge the gap between environmental factors and anthropogenic pollution indicatorspp.515-524
Diana Mance, Danijela Lenac, Maja Radišić, Davor Mance, Josip Rubinić
The use of 2H and 18O isotopes in the study of coastal karstic aquiferspp.525-534
Alfonsa Milia, Francesco Paolo Buonocunto, Antonella Di Leo, Luciana Ferraro, Santina Giandomenico, Laura Giordano, Matilda Mali
Grain size, nutrients and heavy metals analysis to evaluate natural vs anthropogenic sources in the sea environment (Naples Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea)pp.535-544
Suleyman Ozmen, Bulent Topcuoglu
Determination of natural radioactivity levels of sludges collected from wastewater treatment plants of Antalya/Türkiyepp.545-550
Francesco Serafino, Andrea Bianco
Analysis of the limits for the detection of small garbage island immersed in clutter radarpp.551-559
Lata Soccalingame, Marie Notheaux, Maialen Palazot, Mikaël Kedzierski, Stéphane Bruzaud
Extraction and characterization methods for microplastics from estuarine and coastal samplings – Example of the 2019 TARA expeditionpp.560-567
Pierfranco Ventura, Manlio Palmarocchi, Claudio Domeniconi
New artificial reef in coastal protection reconversion and electric power productionpp.568-580
Sarah Caronni, Fabrizio Atzori, Sandra Citterio, Valentina Bracchi, Nicoletta Cadoni, Rodolfo Gentili, Lara Quaglini, Daniela Basso
Are Caulerpa species able to settle and develop on rhodolith beds? The case study of Marine Protected Area “Capo Carbonara”pp.587-595
Julia Castro-Fernández, José M. Disdier-Gomez, Olga Reñones, Joan Moranta, Inés Castejón-Silvo, Jorge Terrados, Hilmar Hinz
Using diver-operated stereo-video to monitor juvenile fish assemblages in Mediterranean coastal habitats formed by macrophytespp.596-605
Enrico Cecchi, Luigi Piazzi, Michela Ria, Giacomo Marino, Andrea Nicastro
Coralligenous cliffs in Tuscany: distribution, extension of the habitat and structure of assemblagepp.606-610
Giulia Cecchi, Gioia Burini, Antonella Giglio, Rosario Giglio, Martina Fustolo, Alessandro Zito, Domenico Asprea, Elena Madeo, Stefania Giglio
New reports on the presence of Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896) along the Calabrian coastpp.611-618
Valentina Costa, Renato Chemello, Davide Iaciofano, Sabrina Lo Brutto, Francesca Rossi
Seagrass detritus as marine macroinvertebrates attractorpp.619-626
Martina Cutajar, Sandro Lanfranco
Spatial displacement of nearshore vegetation in response to artificial changes in coastal morphologypp.627-636
Michele De Gioia, Ilaria Dalle Mura, Francesco Marco D’Onghia, Giuseppe Strippoli, Gaetano Costantino, Enrico Barbone, Nicola Ungaro
The role of Scientific divers in the ADRIREEF project: ARPA Puglia activitiespp.637-646
Flora Drouet, Jean-Louis Jamet, Dominique Jamet, Françoise Miralles, Michelle Brochen, Fabienne Chavanon, Christophe Brach-Papa
Mercury concentrations and transfers in phyto- and zooplankton communities in a coastal Mediterranean ecosystem (bay of Toulon, France)pp.647-655
Francesco Ferraro, Antonio Longo, Cristina Rugge
Renaturalization interventions within a regional forest complex located in a costal pine forest In the south of Italypp.656-666
Matteo Florio Furno, Davide Ferrero, Anna Poli, Valeria Prigione, Maria Tuohy, Matteo Oliva, Carlo Pretti, Giovanna Cristina Varese
Fungi from the sediments of the harbour of Livorno as potential bioremediation agentspp.667-676
Barak Herut
The National Monitoring Program of Israel's Mediterranean Waters – scientific perspectivespp.677-684
Matthieu Lapinski, Martin Perrot, Julien Dalle, Antonin Guilbert, Florian Holon, Pierre Boissery, Etienne Clamagirand, Philippe Thievent, Nicolas Chardin, Marc Bouchoucha
In situ rare long term observations of the dogtooth grouper Epinephelus Caninus in artificial reefs recently immersed in the National Park of the Calanques (north-western Mediterranean sea, France)pp.685-692
Valerio Lazzeri, Andrea Scartazza, Francesca Bretzel, Roberto Pini, Irene Rosellini, Riccardo Guernelli, Elisabetta Franchi, Gianniantonio Petruzzelli, Meri Barbafieri
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on Salicornia perennans germination and growth under saline conditionspp.693-699
Ilaria Lolli
The protection of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and the management of its beach-cast leaves. The italian juridical frameworkpp.700-718
Gianluca Mancini, Daniele Ventura, Edoardo Casoli, Andrea Belluscio, Giandomenico Ardizzone
Colonization of transplanted Posidonia Oceanica: understanding the spatial dynamics through high-spatial resolution underwater photomosaicspp.719-728
Michele Mazzetti, Letizia Marsili, Sara Valsecchi, Claudio Roscioli, Stefano Polesello, Paolo Altemura, Alessandro Voliani, Cecilia Mancusi
First investigation of per-and poly fluoroalkylsubstances (PFAS) in striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba stranded along Tuscany coast (north western Mediterranean Sea)pp.729-737
Alessandra Neri, Cecilia Mancusi, Letizia Marsili, Paolo Sartor, Alessandro Voliani
Stomach contents of bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821): first results from specimens stranded in the Tuscan Archipelago in the period 1990–2021pp.738-746
Samuele Risoli, Sabrina Sarrocco, Giuliana Terracciano, Riccardo Baroncelli, Marco Alberto Luca Zuffi, Cecilia Mancusi, Cristina Nali
Isolation and molecular characterization of Fusarium species (Fungi, Ascomycota) from unhatched eggs of Caretta caretta in Tuscany (Italy)pp.747-755
Sabrine Sahabni, Rachid Toujani, Nabiha Ben M’Barek, Ennio Ottaviani, Eva Riccomagno, Enrico Prampolini, Hechmi Missaoui, Bechir Bejaoui
Effect of Climate Change and anthropogenic pressures on the European eel Anguilla anguilla from RAMSAR Wetland Ichkeul Lake: prediction from the Random Forest modelpp.756-765
Valeria Tomaselli, Francesca Mantino, Giuseppe Albanese, Cristina Tarantino, Maria Adamo
Monitoring changes over a 10-year period, through vegetation maps, in a coastal site in Apulia region (southeastern Italy)pp.766-774
Davide Travaglini, Cesare Garosi, Francesca Logli, Francesco Parisi, Ilaria Ursumando, Cristina Vettori, Donatella Paffetti
Stand structure and natural regeneration in a coastal Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) forest in Central Italypp.775-784
Eva Turicchia, Carlo Cerrano, Matteo Ghetta, Francesca Giannini, Marco Abbiati, Massimo Ponti
Ecological status of the Tuscan Archipelago rocky habitats assessed by the MedSens indexpp.785-793
Maria Chiara Alati
Territorial transformations, landscape and architectural features of the “Tenuta di Isola Sacra” in the reclamation of the early 1900spp.801-810
Barbara Bertoli, Marina Russo, Loredana Marcolongo, Clelia Cirillo
Massa Lubrense coast and its modifications during the twentieth centurypp.811-821
Clelia Cirillo, Giovanna Acampora, Luigi Scarpa, Marina Russo, Barbara Bertoli, Loredana Marcolongo
The port of Neapolis: memories and traces of the coastal landscape in ancient timespp.822-833
Fabio Fratini, Francesca De Vita, Daniela Pittaluga, Silvia Rescic
The building materials of “Rocca Vecchia” (Old Fortress) in the Gorgona Islandpp.834-843
Giovanna Muscatello, Carmine Mitello
Making a site otherwise inaccessible accessible: 3D laser scanner scanning of the Grotta dei Cervi di Porto Badisco in Otranto (Le)pp.844-854
Antonella Pellettieri
…in finibus Lucaniae. Historical cartography of the Tyrrhenian coast and demographic fluctuationspp.855-864
Enrico Pribaz, Ilaria Lotti, Raoul Raffalli, Pietro Chiavaccini
The Torre del Marzocco and the widening of the entry channel to the industrial port of Livornopp.865-874
Patrizia Tartara
Natural resources and coastal productive settlements in southern Pugliapp.875-886
Maria Pina Usai
Tuna: underwater natural and cultural heritage. The Tunèa case study, a project for the re- connection between coastal community and marine ecosystempp.887-895
Book Title
Ninth International Symposium “Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques”
Book Subtitle
Livorno (Italy) 14th-16th June 2022
Laura Bonora, Donatella Carboni, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci
Peer Reviewed
Publication Year
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© 2022 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
eISBN (pdf)
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Series Title
Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques
Series E-ISSN