The 10th International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: problems and measurements techniques was organized by CNR-IBE in collaboration with Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology , and Natural History Museum of the Mediterranean and under the patronage of University of Florence, University of Catania, Accademia dei Lincei, Accademia dei Geogofili, Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology, Tuscany Region, The North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority, Livorno Municipality and Livorno Province.
This edition confirmed the Symposium as the international occasion to present the research carried out in recent years on the monitoring of the Mediterranean Coastal Areas and therefore as a space to present new proposals and promote actions for the protection of the marine and coastal environment. In the Symposium, Scholars had illustrated their activities and exchanged innovative proposals, with common aims to promote actions to preserve coastal marine environment. In this 10th edition, in fact, we had more than 130 participants from 16 countries; this is a sign of great success and willingness to be presence in Livorno to discuss problems and propose solutions for the Mediterranean coastal areas.
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1259-1210
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-9537-9724
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-5698-4286
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-4790-9540
Antonina Badalucco, Rocco Auriemma, Andrea Bonifazi, Roberta Cimmaruta, Elvira De Matthaeis, Cristina Gioia Di Camillo, Valentina Esposito, Davide Jacofano, Traudl Krapp, Leonardo Latella, Loretta Lattanzi, Marco Lezzi, Monica Lionello, Emanuele Mancini, Agnese Marchini, Veronica Marusso, Ermelinda Prato, Felicita Scapini, Maria Beatrice Scipione, Monica Targusi, Francesco Tiralongo, Benedetta Trabucco, Alberto Ugolini, Sabrina Lo Brutto
Checklist of amphipods of italian seas: baseline for monitoring biodiversitypp.7-13
Lamia Bahbah, Bilel Bensari, Khadidja Chabane, Halima Seridi, Simone Mariani, Enric Ballesteros
Mapping of benthic rocky shore habitats of the algerian coast (south-western mediterranean)pp.14-38
Farida Becir, Asma Leulmi, Malek-Zakia Nessaifia, Samia Bouanani, Mostapha Beniddir
The ex-situ adaptative power of the blue crab callinectes sapidus rathbun, 1896.pp.39-47
Giancarlo Bellissimo, Francesca Galfo, Paolo Balistreri, Benedetto Sirchia
Monitoring and assessment of the environmental quality of transitional waters in Sicily (Italy)pp.48-68
Francisco Bonin Font, Bo Miquel NordFeldt Fiol, Caterina Muntaner Gonzalez, Antoni Martorell Torres
Controlling the Expansion of Halimeda Incrassata in the Cabrera Natural Park using Marine robots and Photo-mosaicspp.69-79
Andrea Budiša, Neven Iveša, Petra Burić, Gioconda Millotti, Moira Buršić, Emina Pustijanac, Ante Žunec, Ines Kovačić, Mauro Štifanić, Nataly Milovan, Paolo Paliaga
Monitoring Gelatinous Zooplankton and its dynamics in the eastern Adriatic (2018-2023)pp.80-91
Luigi Bundone, Aliki Panou, Gema Hernandez-Milian, Giulio Pojana
Monitoring the mediterranean monk seal in the Central Mediterean Seapp.92-100
Martina Busuttil, Robin Caruana Montaldo, Lena Ehmcke, Elise Bartl, Francesco Giacalone, Alessandro Giuffrida, Sarina Hilke, Giulia Lembo, Andrea Li Vorsi, Shona Murphy, Elia Ponte, Natalia Szklarczyk, Katya Debono, Belinda Gambin, Sandro Lanfranco
Ecological zonation and abiotic variability in an enclosed nature park: the case of the salini saltworks in maltapp.101-111
Leanne Camilleri, Sandro Lanfranco
Using multispectral UAV imagery and ground truthing to assess the success of vegetation reinforcement in a coastal area – the case of Inwadar National Park, Maltapp.112-123
Silvia Canzanella, Angela Pepe, Doriana Iaccarino, Domenico Ricupero, Ludovica Curcio, Emanuele Esposito, Giuseppe Picazio, Fulvio Maffucci, Fabio Di Nocera, Giuseppe Lucifora, Pasquale Gallo, Mauro Esposito
Environmental issues affecting loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta: a study on the presence of inorganic pollutants in organs, tissues and eggspp.124-133
Ginevra Capurso, Kathryn A. Stewart
Enhancing Biodiversity Monitoring in Mediterranean MPAs: eDNA and Strategic Solutionspp.134-143
Carla Cesaraccio, Alessandra Piga, Andrea Ventura, Angelo Arca, Pierpaolo Duce
Monitoring phenological traits of a coastal mediterranean maquis area through automated systemspp.144-155
Marta Chiesi, Piero Battista, Lorenzo Bottai, Luca Fibbi, Francesco Manetti, Maurizio Pieri, Bernardo Rapi, Fabio Maselli
Estimation of gross and primary production in a coastal forest area undergone to clearcutspp.156-167
Elena Cini, Flavio Marzialetti, Marco Paterni, Andrea Berton, Alicia Teresa Rosario Acosta, Daniela Ciccarelli
Mapping Yucca gloriosa in coastal dunes: evaluating the cost and time efficiency of photointerpretation, machine learning and field detection approachespp.168-178
Tiziana Curatolo, Matteo Battiata, Sabrina Lo Brutto
Cryptic diversity of the widespread scorched mussel Brachidontes pharaonis-variabilis species complexpp.179-187
Michela De Simone, Anna Di Cosmo, Ornella Nonnis, Gianluca Franceschini, Barbara Catalano, Paolo Tomassetti, Laura Ciaralli, Eleonora Monfardini, Benedetta Trabucco
Analysis of the amphipod syntaxon on hard bottoms anti-trawling structurespp.188-196
Valentina Falanga, Saverio Francini, Francesco Parisi, Bruno Lasserre, Gherardo Chirici, Marco Ottaviano, Marco Marchetti
Monitoring toumeyella parvicornis (cockerell) (hemiptera: coccidae) infestation on coastal and urban pinus pinea l. Stands through integration of remote sensing and in situ datapp.197-207
Perla Galatolo, Patrick J. Schembri
Stability of epibiotic communities on the metal surfaces of shallow-water wrecks in the maltese islandspp.208-217
Yuri Galletti, Alessandro Dini, Francesca Logli, Cecilia Mancusi, Silvia Merlino, Marco Paterni, Marco Alberto Luca Zuffi
TurtleTosca: drone monitoring of the Caretta caretta nests in the Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli Parkpp.218-227
Paola Gennaro, Luigi Piazzi, Enrico Cecchi, Carla Morri, Carlo Nike Bianchi, Monica Montefalcone
Monitoring and assessment of the ecological status of coralligenous cliffs by a standardized protocolpp.228-239
Danilo Lombardi, Kristina Micalizzi, Marcello Vitale
Development of a framework for modelling stand evapotranspiration at a local scale in a coastal mediterranean forest under climate changepp.240-251
Veronica Marusso, Benedetta Trabucco
The Amphipoda and Cumacea assemblage response to LNG terminal installation in Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)pp.252-264
Antonio Morabito, Carmelo Musarella, Giuseppe Caruso, Giovanni Spampinato
A methodological approach to assessing the conservation status of coastal habitats: the case study of Calabria (Southern Italy)pp.265-273
Monica Pinardi, Salvatore Mangano, Andrea Pellegrino, Alice Fabbretto, Claudia Giardino, Andrea Taramelli, Andrea Satta, Mariano Bresciani
Mapping submerged vegetation and water quality using multi- and hyperspectral imagery of Oristano Gulf (Italy)pp.274-281
Samuel Pinya Fernández, Sergi Guasch-Martínez, Joan Gil-Perelló, Laia Brunet-Coll, Alejandro Borrás, Guillem Mateu-VIcens, Pere Ferriol Bunyola, Llorenç Gil Vives, Silvia Tejada, Antoni Sureda
Empowering student engagement and environmental understanding: the Coastal Health Monitoring Scheme (CHMS) in the Balearic Islands, Spainpp.282-287
Amina Rahmani, Mokrane Iguer-ouada
Objective quantative parameters to evaluate reproductive activity in Engraulis encrasicolus L.pp.288-295
Vasilis Resaikos, Marios Papageorgiou, Carlos Jimenez
The role of rebreather divers in the study of a marine deep-water cave ecosystempp.296-306
Antoni Sureda, Amanda Cohen-Sánchez, Guillem Mateu-VIcens, Pere Ferriol Bunyola, Llorenç Gil Vives, Antonio Box Centeno, Samuel Pinya Fernández, Silvia Tejada
Effects of Abiotic (Salinity) and Biotic (Ectoparasite) Stressors on Coris julis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Ibiza, Balearic Islands: A Biomarker Analysispp.307-312
Silvia Tejada, Amanda Cohen-Sánchez, José María Valencia Cruz, Antonio Box Centeno, Llorenç Gil Vives, Samuel Pinya Fernández, Antoni Sureda
Fish immune and oxidative stress reaction to emerging parasite in the balearic islandspp.313-319
Nassima Yahi, Sofiane Ahmed-Zaid, Imen Kafi, Nassima Souyad
Flora and habitats on Algier’s coastline (Algeria): State of knowledge and conservation issuespp.320-332
Paolo Armanasco, Leonardo Conti, Michele Moretta, Alberto Masoni, Stefano Camiciottoli, Enrico Palchetti
Agricultural terraced systems of the tuscan archipelago: typological analysis and recovery possibilities of dry stone wallspp.339-352
Yoann Baulaz, Rhoda Fofack-Garcia
Unravelling The Offshore Wind Energy Tourismpp.353-365
Gianmarco Di Pace, Maurizio Simeone, Luca Appolloni, Francesca Fabrizi, Azzurra Tommasi, Martina Defina
Gaiola Underwater Park: small-scale fisheries monitoring and mitigation of illegal fishing within the FEAMP projectpp.366-375
Maria Adamantia Efstratiou
From a lovely coast to a designated bathing beach: steps, challenges, legislative frameworkpp.376-384
David Herves-Pardavila, Maria Loureiro
Economic valuation of coastal blue carbon stock’s dynamics. An study in NW Spain using land cover transitions and InVESTpp.385-396
Antonietta Ivona, Donatella Privitera
Coastal Landscape and “Disappearing” Territoriespp.397-408
Vito Martelliano, Nicoletta Denaro
Visibility analysis in wetland protection processespp.409-419
Federico Martellozzo, Filippo Randelli, Matteo Dalle Vaglie, Carolina Falaguasta
Sea level rise projections: risk and impacts on populations in the mediterranean basinpp.420-428
Mario Gesuino Masia, Vittorio Gazale, Sonia Malvica, Nicoletta Pinna, Donatella Carboni
The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) as a model of best practices and participatory governance. The case study of the Asinara National Parkpp.429-439
Andrea Massaro, Marina Sartini, Francesco De Carlo, Ilaria Rossetti
Fishing tourism in Tuscany: current situation and future developmentspp.440-447
Polyxeni Moira, Dimitrios Mylonopoulos, Paraskevi Kakaroucha
“Lighthouse families” in Greece: Their contribution to forming and preserving coastal cultural identitiespp.448-458
Cristina Montaldi, Gianni Di Pietro, Chiara Cattani, Francesco Zullo
Sustainable development in vulnerable Coastal zones: The Case of Abruzzopp.459-472
Annunziata Palermo, Lucia Chieffallo, Natalia Rispoli
Ecosystem services as support tool of urban planning activities in coastal areaspp.473-483
Camille Provendier
Living in a fragile and dynamic territory: the contribution of environmental and artistic mediation to the appropriation of new ways of living in a coastal areaspp.484-495
Samuel Robert, Marie-Laure Trémélo
Assessing beach attendance and practices in a large coastal city. A case study in Marseille (France)pp.496-507
Ana Sopina, Bojanna Bojanic Obad Scitaroci
Monitoring Transformations of Urban and Natural Landscape in Mediterranean Cities by Promoting Landscape Setting Archetypespp.508-519
Claudia Aveta
Coastal archaeological evidence in the Bay of Naples: vulnerability and issues for conservation and enhancementpp.529-540
Fabrizio Benincasa, Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni Fasano
Ancient Navigation and Mediterranean Coastal Meteorologypp.541-556
Fabrizio Benincasa, Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni Fasano
The Historic Lighthouses of the Italian Coastspp.557-572
Lorenza Comino, Simona Giovanna Lanza
The quarries in the coastal municipalities of western Liguria: reflections on landscape protection with a view to their recoverypp.573-588
Elisa Costa, Carlotta Lucarini
Archaeological markers below the lagoon waterspp.589-600
Giampiero D’Ecclesiis, Antonella Pellettieri
When geology becomes cultural wealth: Praia a Mare, town of cavespp.601-613
Alessandro Maria Jaia, Laura Ebanista
The Latium coast from Ostia to Circeo: settlement dynamics in a peculiar contextpp.614-625
Beril Karadöller, Caner İmren, Zeynep Koçel-Erdem
The Exploration of the Coasts of Perinthos: What Does the Multibeam Bathymetry Survey Tell us?pp.626-635
Leopoldo Repola, Justin Leidwanger, Elizabeth Greene, Fabrizio Sgroi, Vincenzo Morra
Coastal cultural landscapes of the tonnare of southeast Sicily: analysis and visualization of datapp.636-647
Silvia Rescic, Fabio Fratini, Manuele Mattone
The building materials of the Lorenese fort of the tuscan coastpp.648-659
Maria Antonietta Zicarelli, Donatella Barca, Mauro Francesco La Russa, Andrea Macchia, Luciana Randazzo, Michela Ricca, Silvestro Antonio Ruffolo
Diagnostics and conservation of coastal archeological sites: the case study of the roman villa of Casignana, Reggio Calabria (Italy)pp.660-666
Paulo Cabrita, Riccardo Brunetta, Juan Montes-Pérez, Sabrina Terracciano, Enrico Duo, Paolo Ciavola, Clara Armaroli
One-Year Evolution of a Mediterranean Sandy Beach with Posidonia oceanica Banquettes (Arborea, Sardinia, Italy)pp.671-682
Daniela Cleo, Renato Santi
Riccione’s study case: experimentation of innovative artificial reef for coastal defense and increase marine biodiversitypp.683-694
Olivier Cohen, Kristina Pikelj, Emmanuel Blaise
Identifying cliffs morphodynamics: a 3D GIS approach for a better hazard management. Examples in Croatiapp.695-706
Matteo Dalle Vaglie, Federico Martellozzo
Machine learning for sustainable land management: A focus on Italypp.707-718
Gianluigi Di Paola, Grazia Dilauro, Claudia Caporizzo, Carmen M. Rosskopf
Monitoring beach erosion along the Central Adriatic coast: the case study of Molise Regionpp.719-729
Carla Garcia-Lozano, Warren Meredith, Maria Marta Tonda, Josep Pintó, Carolina Martí-Llambrich, Ventura Campillo, Francesc Xavier Roig-Munar
Evaluating the impact of sand fences on foredune recovery in Sant Pere Pescador beach (Costa Brava, Spain)pp.730-740
Daniela Iasillo, Vito De Pasquale, Paola Di Lauro, Sadri Haouet, Amaury Truffier, Loic Faucqueur, Luca Congedo, Michele Munafò, Olivier Arino
The ESA Ulysses project and the exploitation in the Mediterranean area of Soil Sealing products and indicatorspp.741-749
Isabel López, José Ignacio Pagán
Modelling of wave height, currents and sediment transport at Locos beach (Torrevieja, Spain) before and after nourishmentpp.750-760
Marco Luppichini, Marco Paterni, Monica Bini
Uncrewed aerial vehicles: an investigation of the parameter influences for coastal monitoringpp.761-772
Irene Maria Mammì, Lorenzo Rossi
Remote sensing for reconstruction of ombrone river delta beach ridgespp.773-783
José Ignacio Pagán, Pablo Ortíz, Isabel López
Mapping coastal vulnerability against erosion along the Alicante coastline, Spainpp.784-793
Kristina Pikelj, Nina Furcic, Frane Marković
Cliff Failure Processes and Longshore Dispersal of Sediments, Vrgada Island (Croatia): Input from SFM Photogrammetryand Sediment Characteristicspp.794-803
Angela Rizzo, Giuseppe Corrado, Gianluigi Di Paola, Antonio Minervino Amodio, Dario Gioia
A multiscale analysis of the morphological setting along the susceptible coastal area of the Agri river (southern Italy)pp.804-814
Sabrina Terracciano, Juan Montes-Pérez, Riccardo Brunetta, Paulo Cabrita, Enrico Duo, Paolo Ciavola, Clara Armaroli
Shoreline detection by applying semiautomatic algorithms for hyperspectral and multispectral satellite imagery on the beaches of the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, Italy)pp.815-827
Milad Abdollahpour, Federico Domenichini, Lorenzo Cappietti
Numerical Wave Tanks for Wave Energy Converters Using High-Performance Computingpp.835-845
Joel Azzopardi
AI and Machine Learning to extend Meteo-Marine Station Observations into the Futurepp.846-857
Tosca Ballerini, Yuri Galletti, Daniela Tacconi
Plastic pollution on the Tuscan coast: environmental measures municipalities can put in place to reduce itpp.858-871
Montserrat Compa, Antoni Sureda
Network Analysis of Marine Litter Impacts on Coastal Ecosystemspp.872-880
Maddalena de Virgilio, Patrizia Borrello, Emanuela Spada, Pasquale Cataldo, Salvatore Cifarelli, Giuseppe Garofoli, Grazia Lamberti, Bernard Degryse, Ennio Ottaviani
Citizen science and machine learning forecasting Ostreopsis cf ovata bloomspp.881-891
Federica Galeano, Clarissa Legari, Luca Patrizio, Angelo Villapiano, Tiziana Sinesi, Maura Pisconti
The Italian Coast Guard surveillance and specific environmental activities. Results of the national campaign.pp.892-900
Zihan Liu, Andrea Esposito, Lorenzo Cappietti
Wave transmission of Fixed Bottom-detached Breakwaters in Numerical Wave Flumepp.901-910
Svitlana Liubartseva, Giovanni Coppini, Pierre Daniel, Megi Hoxhaj
Modeling the high-impact-low-probability oil spills in the Mediterraneanpp.911-922
Giuseppe Locuratolo, Elvira Armenio, Enrico Barbone, Cosimo Gaspare Giannuzzi, Antonietta Porfido, Nicola Ungaro
Modeling of flow patterns and microbiological parameters for hazard assessment of bathing waters affected by combined sewer overflowspp.923-933
Davor Mance, Lucija Brevulj, Diana Mance
Salination of springs in the Bakar baypp.934-945
Diana Mance, Zrinka Vrček, Arijana Cenov, Marin Glad, Davor Mance, Darija Vukic Lušic
Assessment of the quality of marine bathing waters using different methods of percentile calculationpp.946-955
Martino Marini, Andrea Sulis
Renewable energy and Sardinian coastal areas: market and environmental issuespp.956-966
Isabel P. Morales-Aragón, Roque Torres-Sánchez, Javier Gilabert, Fulgencio Soto-Valles
µ-Nautilus, an autonomous lightweight profiler with depth control and configurable sampling timepp.967-976
Ömer Harun Özkaynak, Gönül Tuğrul İçemer
Estimating the Amount of Ballast Water from Ships in the Mediterranean: Antalya Bay Case Studypp.977-987
Leda Pecci, Paolo Diviacco, Mihai Burca
EMODnet Data Ingestion a key resource for the marine science communitypp.988-998
Marco Sabattini, Francesco Ronchetti, Diego Arosio, Gianpiero Brozzo, Andrea Panzani
Monitoring the phenomenon of seawater intrusion in the estuary area of the river Magra and in the alluvial plain of the lower Val di Magra (SP)pp.999-1010
Chiara Simoncini
The sea level rise of the next hundred years. The case study of Miami as a paradigmatic example for Mediterranean coastspp.1011-1018
Christina N. Tsaimou, Vasiliki K. Tsoukala
Towards a Guide for Building Digital Twins of Port Infrastructurepp.1019-1029
Amanda Zannella, Andrea Esposito, Irene Simonetti, Lorenzo Cappietti
Adaptation of the coastal protection system at Marina di Pisa, to extreme sea conditions: experimental analysis of the submerged breakwater and gravel beachpp.1030-1038
Titolo del libro
Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques"
Sottotitolo del libro
Livorno (Italy) 11th-13th June 2024
Laura Bonora, Marcantonio Catelani, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2024 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
Licenza dei metadati
Firenze University Press
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques
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