This book investigates the ways in which the social purposes of adult education are (re)interpreted over time, and between the global south and global north. It brings together thirty-seven authors from fourteen countries with extensive experience as academics and/or practitioners in the field.
The book is inspired by the work and life of Lalage Bown, a leading proponent of post-colonial and inclusive visions of education for all. Over her long life she worked tirelessly to promote access to basic and higher education for people of all ages and backgrounds: with a deep commitment to striving for greater equality for women.
Following an Introduction, the book is structured around four main themes: Adult Education and Social Justice; Decolonisation, Post-Colonialism and Indigenous Knowledge; From Literacy to Lifelong Learning; and, Fostering Excellence, Policy Development and Supporting Future Generation of Adult Educators. The book concludes with reflections on Lalage Bown’s Enduring Legacy.
Dublin City University, Ireland - ORCID: 0000-0002-5063-6491
DVV International, Germany - ORCID: 0000-0002-9432-6786
University of Ibadan, Nigeria - ORCID: 0000-0001-8976-4581
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom - ORCID: 0000-0002-1609-385X
Maria Slowey, Heribert Hinzen, Michael Omolewa, Michael Osborne
The Legacy of Lalage Bown: An Inclusive and Post-colonial Vision for Adult Learning and Educationpp.15-25
Robert Hamilton
The Fight for Social Justice – Lalage Bown: A Lifetime’s Missionpp.29-40
Maria Slowey
Changing Conceptions of Social Purpose Higher Education: The Legacy of University Adult Educationpp.41-54
Jean Barr
Unfinished Business: Forgotten Histories of Women’s Scholarship and the Shifting Status of Women’s Educationpp.55-65
Stella Chioma Nwizu, Mejai Bola M. Avoseh
Adult Learning and Education for Poverty Alleviation in Africa. Challenges and Opportunities for Womenpp.67-77
Michael Omolewa, Ruphina U. Nwachukwu, Anne Ruhweza Katahoire
Liberation, Empowerment and Decolonisation through Adult Education in Africapp.95-106
Samir Halliru, Audu Semiu Aganah
Enhancing Adult Education through Institution Building: The Nigerian Experiencepp.107-119
Akpovire Oduaran, Gbolagade Adekanmbi, Rashid Aderinoye
Global Partnership Building through Adult Education: The African Experimentpp.121-133
Abimbola Abodunrin, Jason Chan, Srabani Maitra
A Decolonial Perspective on Adult Immigrant English Language Training in the Global Northpp.135-148
Budd L. Hall, Michael Omolewa
A Decolonial Intent. Lalage Bown and the Emergence of an African Voicepp.149-159
Mia Perry, Marcela Ramos, Nancy Palacios
Changing Conceptions of Literacy: Pluriversal Literaciespp.163-174
Michael Osborne
Strengthening Capacity to Address Urban, Health and Education Challenges in Fast-Growing Cities and Neighbourhoodspp.175-189
Oluwayemisi Obashoro-John, Brian Findsen
Learning in Later Years: Perspectives from Nigeriapp.191-205
Ellen Boeren, Catherine Lido
Capturing Lifelong Learning Data through International Surveys and Novel Innovative Methodspp.207-219
Maja Avramovska, Sonja Belete, Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Heribert Hinzen, Levan Kvatchadze
Developing Adult Educators as Professionals and Adult Education as a Profession: Experiences of DVV International throughout the World and within Several Decadespp.223-238
Shirley Walters
«Professors of the Street»: Cognitive Justice in Times of ‘Crisis’pp.239-253
Ievgeniia Dragomirova, Rob Mark
Challenges and Opportunities for Lifelong Learning in Universities Resulting from Ukrainian Migrationpp.255-268
Bonnie Slade, Preeti Dagar
Tracing Longitudinal Impact of Professor Lalage Bown: International Master in Adult Education for Social Changepp.269-279
Titolo del libro
Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives
Maria Slowey, Heribert Hinzen, Michael Omolewa, Michael Osborne
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Numero di pagine
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2023 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
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Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Studies on Adult Learning and Education
ISSN della collana
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