This volume, edited by scholars from diverse backgrounds, stems from the original convergence of various geo-cultural viewpoints on the reception of East Slavic cultures and literatures (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Soviet): European viewpoints are juxtaposed with those of the Japanese, Chinese, Israeli areas. The volume offers a broad look at the history of the perception of these literatures in Europe, Italy, and East Asia (with special attention to their reception in Japan and China). Contacts, influences, meditations, and difficulties in the perception of literary and cultural phenomena are the subject of original comparative analyses. The vitality with which Slavic-Eastern literatures have found echoes in very distant environments, but also the evolution of the self-perception of Ukrainian literature over time, are among the topics.
University of Tokyo, Japan - ORCID: 0009-0008-1888-5202
University of Verona, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1117-4423
Olga Nikolenko
Художня рецепція образів України та українців у повісті М. Гоголя Тарас Бульба (перша редакція 1835 р.)pp.15-32
Giuseppina Larocca
К первой рецепции творчества Тургенева в Италии (1869-1908). Журналы, издания, переводчики, посредникиpp.33-49
Shin’ichi Murata
Слушая Сад: переосмысление звуковых аспектов чеховской пьесы на примере японской и итальянской постановокpp.51-67
Kinuyo Miyagawa
The Existential byt’ in the Translations of I.A. Bunin’s The Gentleman from San Francisco into English and Japanesepp.83-93
Alessandro Achilli
Rethinking Tradition, Rejecting the Past: Ukrainian Poetry of the 1910s and 1920s in the Search for Europepp.109-122
Tamara Hundorova
Від femme fatale до femme vital: сліди віденської сецесії в українському модернізміpp.123-136
Tadashi Nakamura
«Учиться у Горького»: “отступничество” японского пролетарского писателя Токунага Сунаоpp.149-157
Michiko Komiya
Корэхито Курахара и “Пролетарский реализм”: пролетарская литература в Японии в 1920-х гг.pp.159-172
Kumi Tateoka
Vladivostok as a Meeting Point between West and East at the Beginning of the 20th Century (Around Years of Siberian Investigation)pp.173-184
Elena Tolstaya
«Этот хозяин все государство держить»: украинские мотивы в Педагогической поэме А.С. Макаренкоpp.185-201
Evgeny Dobrenko
Reading Stalinism: Stalinist Culture as a Research Feld in the Westpp.211-224
Claudia Olivieri
Москва на рубеже истории. О “топонимической встряске” и не толькоpp.243-255
Ivan Posokhin
Некоторые аспекты рецепции прозы Саши Филипенко и Виктора Мартиновича в Западной и Центральной Европеpp.259-272
Arsen Hordziy, Viviana Nosilia
On Some Aspects of the Presence of Translated Ukrainian Literature in Poland after 1989pp.273-288
Kateryna Nikolenko
The Reception of Serhiy Zhadan in Ukraine and in the Westpp.311-322
Titolo del libro
The Reception of East Slavic Literatures in the West and the East
Shin’ichi Murata, Stefano Aloe
Opera sottoposta a peer review
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Anno di pubblicazione
© 2023 Author(s)
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Firenze University Press
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Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici
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