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Как закалялась сталь в Восточной Азии

  • Go Koshino

How the Steel Was Tempered in East Asia. Nikolai Ostrovsky’s novel How Steel Was Tempered (1932-34) tells the story of a young Ukrainian man named Pavel Korchagin who sacrifices his life and body to forge a steel-like spirit amid revolution, civil war, and postwar socialist construction. Although his physical injuries, which left him paralyzed and even blind, looks somehow grotesque, but his heroic self-sacrifice also had the power to inspire young readers. Regarded as an exemplary work of Soviet socialist realism, it was translated into many languages and read avidly at one time by left-wing readers in the West as well as in the Communist countries in the East. It was particularly influential in China, where it is so popular that even today it is invariably named as one of the favorite books of university students. This is in contrast to post-Soviet Russia today, in which the novel has lost the privileged position it once enjoyed and is no longer widely read. In China under the socialist regime, Ostrovsky’s novel was published in large numbers as suitable reading for young people and incorporated into school education. However, their active introduction in the public sphere alone does not explain their popularity. Chinese readers seem to have become deeply emotionally involved in the protagonist’s unsuccessful love affair with Tonya, a young girl whose bourgeois gestures and characterization must have been considered negative. As a result, the Soviet ideological novel has brought an unexpected meaning of European-style romantic love for Chinese readers. This presentation will trace the reception of Ostrovsky’s novel and the changes in the heroine Tonya’s image by comparing five adaptations: two Soviet films in 1942 and 1957, a Chinese lianhuanhua (serial picture book) in 1972, a Japanese manga in 1975, and a Chinese TV drama in 1999.

  • Keywords:
  • Socialist Realism,
  • Nikolai Ostrovsky,
  • adaptation,
  • China's reception,
  • Japan's reception,
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Go Koshino

Keio University, Japan - ORCID: 0009-0001-2361-2697

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  2. He, Donghui. 2010. “Coming of Age in the Brave New World: The Changing Reception of How the Steel was Tempered in the People’s Republic of China.” In China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949-Present, ed. by Thomas P. Bernstein, and Hua-Yu Li, 393-420. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Lexington Books.
  3. Li, Yan. 2017. China’s Soviet Dream: Propaganda, Culture, and Popular Imagination. London: Routledge.
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  6. [Исико, Дзюн [Исико Тадаси]. 1963. “Два Павла Корчагина: на примере Как закалялась сталь Донского.” Дзисю дзёэй 2: 34-6]. 石子順(石河糺). 1963. 「二人のパーベル・コルチャーギン:ドンスコイの「鋼鉄はいかに鍛えられたか」を中心に」『自主上映』2号、34-6.
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  9. [Островский, Николай. 1972. Как закалялась сталь, адаптировано Ся Сином, нарисовано И Цзинь. Пекин: Жэньминьмэйшу чубаньшэ]. 奥斯特洛夫斯基. 1972. 『钢铁是怎样炼成的』北京: 人民美术出版社、夏星改编、毅进画、上下.
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  11. Аннинский, Лев А. 1978. «Как закалялась сталь» Николая Островского. Москва: Худож. лит-ра.
  12. Доступова, Татьяна Г. 1978. Вторая жизнь Павла Корчагина. Москва: Книга.
  13. Островский, Николай А. 1969. Как закалялась сталь (Сочинения в 3-х томах, т. 1). Москва: Правда.
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  15. Толстая-Сегал, Елена. 1981. “К литературному фону книги: ‘Как закалялась сталь’.” Cahiers du Monde Russe 22 (4): 375-99.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Pagine: 203-210

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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Как закалялась сталь в Восточной Азии


Go Koshino





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© 2023 Author(s)

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Titolo del libro

The Reception of East Slavic Literatures in the West and the East


Shin’ichi Murata, Stefano Aloe

Opera sottoposta a peer review

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Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici

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