This volume collects contributions written by eight authors interested in different research areas in East Asian Studies. Divided into a Japanese and a Chinese section, it explores topics ranging from East Asian literatures to contact linguistics and sociology. The Japanese section contains four essays about contemporary Japanese cinema and different aspects of Japanese modern and contemporary literature (i.e. the literary motif of kame naku, ‘crying turtle’, yuri manga, and tenkō bungaku, the ‘literature of conversion’). The Chinese section concerns two main macro-topics: on the one hand, it focuses on issues related to cultural contacts between Italy and China; on the other hand, it deals with Chinese migration to Italy, highlighting socio-historical aspects and cultural production.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3773-2921
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-2088-5569
Giacomo Calorio
“What is contemporary Japanese Cinema?”. Questioning the answers, answering with questionspp.11-27
Diego Cucinelli
幻の春の声. 近現代日本文学における「亀鳴く」/ The illusory voice of the spring: the motif of ‘crying turtle’ in modern and contemporary Japanese literarurepp.29-50
Marta Fanasca
Tales of lilies and girls’ love. The depiction of female/female relationships in yuri mangapp.51-66
Hideto Tsuboi
転向を語ること ─ 小林杜人とその周辺 / Converters Tell Their Stories: Kobayashi Morito and His Networkspp.67-88
Andrea Scibetta
Chinese migration(s) to Italy beyond stereotypes and simplistic views: the case of the graphic novels Primavere e Autunni and Chinamenpp.91-108
Lin Yang
想象与现实之间——阿尔巴西诺和马莱尔巴游记中的中国形象 / Between imagination and reality: the image of China in Alberto Arbasino’s and Luigi Malerba’s travel writingspp.109-119
Meri Perna
我是中国人: Identity and social integration of Chinese youth in the Marche regionpp.121-139
Yan Xiaopeng, Zhao Yinyin
温州社会经济发展与移民文化变迁——以瑞安桂峰乡移民为例 / Development and evolution of Wenzhounese migrant culture throughout time: the case study of Guifeng (Rui'An)pp.141-148
Titolo del libro
Tracing Pathways 雲路
Sottotitolo del libro
Interdisciplinary Studies on Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Diego Cucinelli, Andrea Scibetta
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Numero di pagine
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2020 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
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Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
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Studi e saggi
ISSN della collana
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