Food issues 食事. Interdisciplinary Studies on Food in Modern and Contemporary East Asia concentrates on the relationship among food, culture, literature, and language in a comparative, transcultural, or literary perspective. The contributions investigate these aspects from different approaches: historical, sociological, anthropological, religious, linguistic, and want to deepen issues such as the symbolic value of food; food as an essential element for the construction of individual identity and a sign of belonging to a community; food as an intercultural medium; food as language and the language of food. The articles included in the volume are organized in a Japanese and a Chinese section and use different approaches within humanities disciplines to explore topics ranging from classical and contemporary East Asian literature to present-day issues, focusing on Food Culture and its declinations.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0001-8384-7925
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3773-2921
Chiara Ghidini
Japanese shōjin ryōri: the green competition from Buddhist temples to TV showspp.13-24
Yuki Sasaki
作品 『壁』における の表象 - 安 公房はその文学に をどう描いたか / Representation of food in the collection of works Kabe: How Abe Kōbō wrote about food in the literaturepp.25-44
Natsuki Yamada
手塚治虫とグルメマンガをつなぐもの―「あしたのジョー」の減量 / The one which connects a gourmet cartoon with Osamu Tezuka: Cutting of Joe of tomorrowpp.45-58
Makiko Yamasaki
村上春樹作品における〈 〉と〈性〉– 初期作品と阪神淡 大 地 以後の作品との比 を して / “Food” and “Sex” in Murakami Haruki’s literaturepp.59-75
Francesco Eugenio Barbieri
Digesting the foreign. Food and Eating in the works of Tawada Yōkopp.77-92
Felice Farina
The politics of washoku: Japan’s gastronationalism and gastrodiplomacypp.93-107
Mario De Grandis, Filippo Costantini
Negotiating with the tradition: representations of fish in Alai’s fictional writingpp.111-125
Serena De Marchi
Eat to remember. Gastronomical reconfigurations of hunger and imprisonment in contemporary Chinese literaturepp.127-142
Chiara Bertulessi, Emma Lupano, Bettina Mottura, Natalia Riva, Yunqi Zhou
The languages of wine: negotiating intercultural exchanges through translationpp.143-160
Elena Morandi
The “dining table revolution” in China: the question read through the lens of newspaperspp.161-176
Cristiana Turini
Looking at China’s cultural complexity. Food, colours and ritual: sensuous epistemology and the construction of identity in the “other” Chinapp.177-193
Titolo del libro
Food issues 食事
Sottotitolo del libro
Interdisciplinary Studies on Food in Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Miriam Castorina, Diego Cucinelli
Opera sottoposta a peer review
Numero di pagine
Anno di pubblicazione
© 2021 Author(s)
Licenza d'uso
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Firenze University Press
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Studi e saggi
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