
Transfert, sélection, redéfinition: la grammaire de Georges Amira (1596) comme lieu de construction d’une identité linguistique syriaco-latine

  • Margherita Farina

This chapter examines George Amira’s Grammatica syriaca (Rome, 1596) in the framework of sixteenth-century humanistic studies and the development of Oriental Studies within the Republic of Letters. By investigating the grammar’s multiple sources and models, both in earlier Western studies on Oriental languages and in the Syriac grammatical heritage, this study aims at revealing the pathway through which the first Maronite grammarian constructed a Syriac linguistic identity in the eyes of his European readers. A detailed analysis of Amira’s Western antecedents, the didactic models available to him, as well as the Syriac manuscript sources that he used in the preparation of his grammar outlines a conscious process of selection and combination of elements from different linguistic traditions.

  • Keywords:
  • Syriac grammar,
  • George Amira,
  • Maronite linguistics,
  • Renaissance,
  • Oriental Studies,
  • Typographia Medicea,
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Margherita Farina

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France - ORCID: 0000-0003-4485-9717

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  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Pagine: 263-284

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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Titolo del capitolo

Transfert, sélection, redéfinition: la grammaire de Georges Amira (1596) comme lieu de construction d’une identité linguistique syriaco-latine


Margherita Farina





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© 2024 Author(s)

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Titolo del libro

Cristiani orientali e Repubblica delle Lettere (XVI-XVIII sec.) / Chrétiens orientaux et République des Lettres (16e-18e s.) / Östliche Christen und die Gelehrtenrepublik (16.-18. Jh.)


Marcello Garzaniti, Vassa Kontouma, Vasilios N. Makrides

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© 2024 Author(s)

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CC BY 4.0

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Europe in between. Histories, cultures and languages from Central Europe to the Eurasian Steppes

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