
Alles neu? Die Londoner und Hallenser Ausgaben der neugriechischen Übersetzung des Neuen Testaments (1703, 1705 und 1710) als Produkte interkonfessioneller Diskurse und missionarischer Netzwerke

  • Ulrich Moennig
  • Stefano Saracino

This paper explores the nexus between the use of the modern Greek language and interconfessional transfer, focusing on the early modern vernacular Greek editions of the New Testament. The point of reference for later editions was the translation sponsored by Kyrillos Lukaris and completed by the monk Maximus Kalliupolitis, which was printed in Geneva in 1638. We take steps toward a preliminary analysis of the work done by the editors, who prepared revised versions of Kalliupolitis’ translation printed in 1703/1705 and 1710 and who were strongly supported and influenced by the Halle Pietism. This topic of investigation proves to be connected to a discourse concerning the identity and normativity of modern Greek, as well as the missionary practices and goals pursued by the Ottoman Greeks and German Pietists involved in them.

  • Keywords:
  • Modern Greek translations of the New Testament,
  • modern Greek language,
  • perceptions about Greek Orthodoxy in the Republic of Letters,
  • Patriarch of Constantinople Kyrillos Lukaris (†1638),
  • Synod of Jerusalem (1672),
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Ulrich Moennig

University of Hamburg, Germany - ORCID: 0000-0002-4299-1039

Stefano Saracino

University of Graz, Austria - ORCID: 0000-0002-3996-374X

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  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Pagine: 309-362

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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Alles neu? Die Londoner und Hallenser Ausgaben der neugriechischen Übersetzung des Neuen Testaments (1703, 1705 und 1710) als Produkte interkonfessioneller Diskurse und missionarischer Netzwerke


Ulrich Moennig, Stefano Saracino





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Cristiani orientali e Repubblica delle Lettere (XVI-XVIII sec.) / Chrétiens orientaux et République des Lettres (16e-18e s.) / Östliche Christen und die Gelehrtenrepublik (16.-18. Jh.)


Marcello Garzaniti, Vassa Kontouma, Vasilios N. Makrides

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