Biblioteche & bibliotecari / Libraries & librarians

  • Open Access Series

The Libraries & librarians is an international peer-reviewed book series that publishes studies on on library science and related disciplines, on the function of libraries and their languages and services, as well as on the relationship between the history of libraries, the history of library science and the history of the librarian as a profession, focusing on notable persons in the field.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editor,

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form.

 Scientific Board

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Books in this Series
  • Edited Book


Un modello di collaborazione bibliotecaria per condividere la conoscenza registrata

URBE. Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche Edited by   Silvano Danieli

Copyright year: 2024

  • Monograph

L’organizzazione delle biblioteche

Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan Edited by   Carlo Bianchini

Copyright year: 2023

  • Monograph

Principi, approcci e applicazioni della biblioteconomia comparata

Una proposta per nuovi percorsi di ricerca

Anna Bilotta

Copyright year: 2022

  • Edited Book

Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem

Edited by   Giovanni Bergamin, Mauro Guerrini, Carlotta Alpigiano

Copyright year: 2022

  • Monograph

L’anno della morte di Luigi Crocetti

Un racconto di biblioteconomia

Alberto Cheti

Copyright year: 2021

  • Monograph

Gabriel Naudé, Helluo Librorum, e l’Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque

Alfredo Serrai Edited by   Fiammetta Sabba, Lucia Sardo

Copyright year: 2021

  • Monograph

Come un Ministro per la cultura

Giulio Einaudi e le biblioteche nel sistema del libro

Chiara Faggiolani

Copyright year: 2020

  • Monograph

Angelo Maria Bandini in viaggio a Roma (1780-1781)

Fiammetta Sabba

Copyright year: 2019

  • Edited Book

Nessuno poteva aprire il libro...

Miscellanea di studi e testimonianze per i settant’anni di fr. Silvano Danieli, OSM

Edited by   Mauro Guerrini

Copyright year: 2019

  • Edited Book

Carlo Battisti linguista e bibliotecario

Studi e testimonianze

Edited by   Mauro Guerrini, Alessandro Parenti, Tiziana Stagi

Copyright year: 2019

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