
  • Open Access Series
  •  Peer Reviewed

A Firenze University Press series committed to the relationships between humans and Nature, where human beings are part of and not in opposition to Nature. In particular, the series will address the many aspects related to environmental sustainability and climate changes: from the scientific and technological perspectives to their social, political and economic consequences.
Among the most innovative features of this project we recall: a strong interdisciplinarity, stretching from scientists to philosophers, from historians to engineers, etc. Everybody is invited to offer an original contribution on the topics proposed by the series; the books will be published with a sustainable production cycle, by reducing the production impact as much as possible. We are committed to adopt digital printing and reduce the number of hard copies printed on paper.

All books are intended for academic research and educational activities, however they are distinguished by a transparent language that is able to spark interest in non specialized readers.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editor

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

 Scientific Board

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Books in this Series
  • Monograph

L’atomo: una storia millenaria

Salvatore Califano, Vincenzo Schettino

Copyright year: 2024

  • Monograph

La storia dell’energia nell’avventura umana

Il costo del progresso e l’illusione dell’energia pulita

Fabrizio Mani

Copyright year: 2024

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(books + Chapters)




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