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Time, bits, and nickel: Managing digital and analog continuity

  • Julie Momméja

In 1998, the Getty Center hosted the "Time and Bits: Managing Digital Continuity" conference, gathering the founders and thinkers of two San Francisco non-profit organizations interested in long-term thinking and archiving: the Internet Archive and the Long Now Foundation. This chapter proposes to discuss two different ways of archiving through time, in digital and analog formats, for virtual web contents and physical paper-based ones. It explores various types of archiving methods and tools and the management challenges they raise, in terms of time and space, but also innovation, maintenance, and "continuity". It depicts two distinct visions of the future of archiving which nonetheless converge in their mission of safeguarding, sharing, and giving access to information and knowledge for the decades and centuries to come.

  • Keywords:
  • archives,
  • digital,
  • analog,
  • longue durée,
  • future,
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Julie Momméja

University of Lorraine, France - ORCID: 0000-0003-1148-2490

  1. Brand, Stewart. 1999. “The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility“. New York: BasicBooks.
  2. The European Space Agency. 2002. “Rosetta Disk Goes Back to the Future.” The European Space Agency. December 3. <>
  3. The European Space Agency. n.d. “Enabling & Support - Rosetta.” The European Space Agency. <>
  4. The European Space Agency. n.d. “Rosetta - Summary.” The European Space Agency. <>
  5. The European Space Agency. n.d. “Where Is Rosetta?” The European Space Agency. <>
  6. Florida, Richard. 2002. “The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It’s Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life“. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  7. Gonzalez, John. 2016. “20,000 Hard Drives on a Mission.” Internet Archive Blogs. October 25.<>
  8. Henke, Christopher R, and Benjamin Sims. 2020. “Repairing Infrastructures the Maintenance of Materiality and Power“. <>
  9. Internet Archive. 2015. “Building Libraries Together, Celebrating the Passionate People Building the Internet Archive.” Internet Archive, San Francisco, October 21. <>
  10. Internet Archive. 2024. “About the Internet Archive.” Internet Archive. <>
  11. Kahle, Brewster. 2011. “Universal Access to All Knowledge.” San Francisco, November 30. <>
  12. Kahle, Brewster. 2016. “Library of the Future.” University of California Berkeley, Morrison Library, March 3. <>
  13. Kelly, Kevin, Alexander Rose, and Laura Welcher. “Disk Essays.” The Rosetta Project. <>
  14. Kelly, Kevin. 2008. “Very Long-Term Backup.” The Long Now Foundation. August 20. <>
  15. The Long Now Foundation. “Time and Bits: Managing Digital Continuity.” 1998. February 8. <>
  16. MacLean, Margaret G. H., Ben H. Davis, Getty Conservation Institute, Getty Information Institute, and Long Now Foundation, eds. 1998. “Time & Bits: Managing Digital Continuity“. [Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Trust].
  17. Momméja, Julie. 2021. “Du Whole Earth Catalog à la Long Now Foundation dans la Baie de San Francisco : Co-Évolution sur la “Frontière“ Créative (1955-2020).” Paris: Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle. <>
  18. Musiani, Francesca, Camille Paloque-Bergès, Valérie Schafer, and Benjamin Thierry. 2019. “Qu’est-ce qu’une archive du Web?“ <> DOI: 10.4000/books.oep.8713
  19. The Rosetta Project. n.d. “Disk - Concept.” The Rosetta Project. <>
  20. The Rosetta Project. n.d. “The Rosetta Blog.” The Rosetta Project.<>
  21. The Rosetta Project. n.d. “The Rosetta Project, A Long Now Foundation Library of Human Language.” The Rosetta Project. <>
  22. Schafer, Valérie. 2012. “Internet, Un Objet Patrimonial et Muséographique.” Colloque “Projet pour un musée informatique et de la société numérique”, Musée des arts et métiers, Paris. <>
  23. Severo, Marta, and Olivier Thuillas. 2020. “Plates-formes collaboratives : la nouvelle ère de la participation culturelle ?” Nectart 11 (2). Toulouse: Éditions de l’Attribut: 120–31. <>
  24. Turner, Fred. 2006. “From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism“. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  25. UNESCO. 2004. “Records of the General Conference, 32nd Session, Paris, 29 September to 17 October 2003, v. 1: Resolutions.” UNESCO. General Conference, 32nd, 2003 [36221]. <>
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

Informazioni sul capitolo

Titolo del capitolo

Time, bits, and nickel: Managing digital and analog continuity


Julie Momméja





Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2024 Author(s)

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CC BY 4.0

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CC0 1.0

Informazioni bibliografiche

Titolo del libro

Exploring the Archived Web during a Highly Transformative Age

Sottotitolo del libro

Proceedings of the 5th international RESAW conference, Marseille, June 2023


Sophie Gebeil, Jean-Christophe Peyssard

Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2024 Author(s)

Licenza d'uso

CC BY 4.0

Licenza dei metadati

CC0 1.0


Firenze University Press



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