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Book Chapter

Teatro e violenza in Moby Dick — Rehearsed di Orson Welles

  • Carla Francellini

Moby Dick Rehearsed is a magnificent experiment in the style of Orson Welles, whose talent explores in depth the texture of Melville's novel in an attempt to put it on stage. The analysis shows how the play - performed in New York in 1955 - sheds light on Welles's idea of the theater as a laboratory to experiment with the possibilities of this peculiar form of entertainment. The novel's inner violence and theatrical power become evident when Welles stages a rehearsal of Moby Dick by a company of actors used to act in Shakespeare's Hamlet in 1955. The well-known influence of Shakespeare on Melville's novel emerges from the play, which became a book published by Samuel French in 1965 in New York. Its Italian translation by Cristina Viti - Moby Dick. Prove per un dramma in due atti - provides the base for Elio De Capitani's mise en scene of the play in Milan in 2022, under the title of Moby-Dick alla prova.

  • Keywords:
  • Adaptation,
  • violence,
  • rehearsal,
  • experiment,
  • performance,
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Carla Francellini

University of Siena, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3621-1980

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  2. Brady, F., Citizen Welles. A Biography of Orson Welles, New York, Scribner 1989.
  3. Codignola, M., Un tentativo di balena, Adelphi, Milano 2008.
  4. Conrad, P., Orson Welles: The Stories of His Life, Faber & Faber, London 2003.
  5. Corona, M., Prima del viaggio. Per una lettura di Moby Dick, Pitagora, Bologna 1984.
  6. France, R., The Theater of Orson Welles, Bucknell UP, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 1977.
  7. Francellini, C., «Lost in the Heart of the Sea. I See. You See». Un’analisi dell’opera Moby Dick di Jake Heggie e Gene Scheer, in «Letterature d’America» (2019) 174, pp. 109-160.
  8. Jovićević, A., «Welles e Brecht. Galileo, un progetto abbandonato», in Id., Orson Welles e il teatro. Shakespeare e oltre, Bulzoni, Roma 2022, pp. 75-85.
  9. Jovićević, A., Orson Welles e il teatro, Shakespeare e oltre, Bulzoni, Roma 2002.
  10. Louise, D.; Whitty, J., Moby Dick: Rehearsed by Orson Welles; Tricks by Jon Jory, Jerry Blatt, and Lonnie Burstein, «Educational Theatre Journal», 1976, 28 (2).
  11. Melville, H., Moby Dick; or the Whale (1851), edited by H. Parker e H. Hayford, Norton, New York 2002.
  12. Mereghetti, P., «Introduzione», Orson Welles, Moby Dick. Prove per un dramma in due atti, Gaffi, Roma 2018.
  13. Naremore, J., Orson Welles. Ovvero la magia del cinema, Marsilio, Venezia 1993, (prima ed. 1978).
  14. Pierini, M., Prima del cinema. Il teatro di Orson Welles, Bulzoni, Roma 2005.
  15. Serpieri, A.; Elam, K., a cura di, Mettere in scena Shakespeare, Pratiche, Parma 1987.
  16. Welles, O., It’s all True. Interviste sull’arte del cinema, a cura di M.W. Estrin, Minimum Fax, Roma 2005.
  17. Welles, O., Moby Dick – Rehearsed. A Drama in Two Acts, Samuel French, New York 1965.
  18. Welles, O., Moby Dick. Prove per un dramma in due atti, Gaffi, Roma 2018.
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 41-57

  • Publication Year: 2023

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Teatro e violenza in Moby Dick — Rehearsed di Orson Welles


Carla Francellini





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2023 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY-SA 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

La violenza nel teatro contemporaneo

Book Subtitle

Lingue e linguaggi a confronto


Paola Bellomi, Carla Francellini, Maria Beatrice Lenzi, Ada Milani, Niccolò Scaffai

Peer Reviewed

Number of Pages


Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2023 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY-SA 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press, USiena Press



ISBN Print


eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (epub)


Series Title

Studi di letterature moderne e comparate

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