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System, Hypothesis, and Experiments: Pierre-Sylvain Régis

  • Antonella Del Prete

Pierre-Sylvain Régis’s Cartesianism is quite singular in seventeenth-century French philosophy. Though, can we speak of a form of experimental science in Régis’s work? After exploring his notions of ‘system’ and ‘hypothesis’, I will define his position in relation to Claude Perrault, Jacques Rohault, and the Royal Society. I argue, first, that the contrasts which traverse French science are not so much about the use of experiments but about whether or not observational data can be traced back to hypotheses and to a coherent system. Secondly, that we can detect a significant similarity between Boyle’s positions and the views expressed by Perrault and also by Régis. Lastly, that French science, even in its Cartesian version, is much more probabilistic than English experimental philosophy.

  • Keywords:
  • Pierre-Sylvain Régis,
  • system,
  • hypothesis,
  • experimental natural philosophy,
  • speculative natural philosophy,
  • Claude Perrault,
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Antonella Del Prete

University of Torino, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-9771-387X

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  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Pagine: 155-168

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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System, Hypothesis, and Experiments: Pierre-Sylvain Régis


Antonella Del Prete





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Reading Descartes

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Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning


Andrea Strazzoni, Marco Sgarbi

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