Book Chapter

La liberté dans les royaumes: pratique et théorie

  • Jean-Philippe Genet

The author reviews the history of monarchies and the sources of the practice to highlight how, unlike the experience of Italian municipal cities, the concept of freedom did not represent an omnipresent concept either in political life or in the texts of the theory of the end of Middle Ages: the term appears above all in the phrase «libertés et franchises» or in reference to particular statuses such as that of citizens recognized as free from royal privileges. The demands that emerged in the English and French revolts, which expressed a widespread awareness of everyone's right to exercise their freedom, were then reworked by William of Ockham's doctrine on equality between men and on the role entrusted to the kingdom to ensure the full exercise of the divine gift of human freedom.

  • Keywords:
  • European monarchies,
  • Municipal freedom,
  • Late Middle Ages,
  • Revolts,
  • Human freedom.,
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Jean-Philippe Genet

Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1 University, France - ORCID: 0000-0002-0830-2615

  1. Aegidii Columnae Romani De Regimine Principum libri III, Roma, apud Bartholomaeum Zanettum, 1607, disponible su Gallica: (05/2024).
  2. Alighieri, D. Monarchia, a cura di D. Quaglioni, Milano 2015. Traduzione francese di F. Livi, dans Dante, Œuvres complètes, a cura di Ch. Bec, Paris 1996.
  3. An princeps pro suo succursu, scilicet guerrae, possit recipere bona ecclesiarum etiam invito Papa. In Guillelmi de Ockham Opera politica, vol. I, a cura di H.S. Offler, Manchester 1974 [1940], pp. 221-267.
  4. Aston, M. Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni: Heresy and the Peasants’ Revolt, «Past and Present», 143 (1994).
  5. Barr, H. Signes ans sothe language in the Piers Plowman Tradition, Cambridge 1994.
  6. Busa, R. (a cura di). Ptolomaeus Lucensis De regimine principum [De Regno], Torino 1954, (05/2024).
  7. Challet, V., Forrest, I. The masses, dans Governing in Medieval England and France. Office, Network, Idea, a cura di Ch. Fletcher, J.-Ph. Genet et J. Watts, Cambridge 2015.
  8. Cohn, S.K. Jr. Lust for Liberty. The Politics of Social Revolt in Medieval Europe, 1200-1425, Cambridge Mass. 2006.
  9. Cole, A. William Langland and the Invention of Lollardy, dans Lollards and their influence in Late Medieval England, a cura di F. Somerset, J.C. Havens et D.G. Pitard, Woodbridge 2003, pp. 37-58.
  10. Coleman, J. The literature of social unrest. In J. Coleman, English Literature in History 1350-1450. Medieval Readers and Writers, London 1981, pp. 58-156.
  11. Dobson, R.B. The Peasant’s Revolt of 1381, London 1970.
  12. Duffy, E. The Stripping of the Altars. Traditional Religion in England c.1400-c.1580, New Haven-London 1992.
  13. Dunn, A. The Great Rising of 1381. The Peasants’ Revolt and England’s Failed Revolution, Stroud 2002, pp. 50-54
  14. Dyer, Ch. The Social and Economic Background to the Rural Revolt of 1381. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 9-42.
  15. Dyson, R.W. (a cura di). Three royalists tracts, 1296-1302. Antequam essent clerici; Disputatio inter Clericum et Militem; Quaestio in utramque partem, Bristol 1999.
  16. Eiden, H. Joint Action against ‘Bad’ Lordship: The Peasants’ Revolt in Essex and Norfolk, «History», 83 (1998), pp. 5-30.
  17. Faith, R. The ‘Great Rumour’ of 1377 and Peasant Ideology. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 43-73
  18. Fletcher, Ch. Justice, meurtre et leadership politique dans la Révolte anglaise de 1381, «Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes / Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies», 34 (2017), 2, pp. 61-86.
  19. Freedman, P. Images of the Medieval Peasant, Stanford 1999.
  20. Galbraith, V.H. (a cura di). Anonimalle Chonicle, 1333 to 1381, Manchester 1927.
  21. Genet, J.-Ph. (a cura di). Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages, London 1977.
  22. Genet, J.-Ph. Économie et Société rurale en Angleterre au XVe siècle d’après les comptes de l’Hôpital d’Ewelme, «Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations», 27 (1972), 6, pp. 1449-1474.
  23. Green, R.F. John Ball’s Letters: Literary History and Historical Literature. In Chaucer’s England in Historical Context, a cura di B. Hanawalt, Minneapolis 1992.
  24. Grellard, Ch., Lachaud, F. A Companion to John of Salisbury, Boston-Leyde 2016.
  25. Grellard, Ch., Lachaud, F. Jean de Salisbury : nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux, Firenze 2018.
  26. Guillelmi de Ockham. Opera Theologica, III, a cura di G.I. Etzkorn, Saint Bonaventure 1977.
  27. Harding, A. The Revolt against the Justices. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 165-193.
  28. Harriss, G.L. King, Parliament and Public Finance in Medieval England to 1369, Oxford 1975.
  29. Hilton, R.H. Bond men made free. Medieval peasants movements and the English rising of 1381, London 1973.
  30. Hilton, R.H. The Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England, London 1983.
  31. Hudson, A. Piers Plowman and the Peasants’ Revolt: A Problem Revisited, «Yearbook of Langland Studies», 8 (1994), pp. 85-105
  32. Hudson, A. The Premature Reformation. Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History, Oxford 1988.
  33. Ioannis Saresberiensis Episcopi Carnotensis. Policraticus a cura di C.C.I. Webb, 2 vol., Oxford 1909.
  34. Ioannis Saresberiensis. Policraticus, I-IV, a cura di K.S. Keats-Rohan, Turnhout 1993 (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis, CXVIII).
  35. Jamieson, D. Willington and the Mowbrays. After the Peasant’s Revolt, Bridge Farm-Rochester N.Y. 2019.
  36. Jurkowski, M., Smith, C.L., Crook, D. Lay Taxes in England and Wales, 1188-1688, Kew 1998.
  37. Justice, S. Writing and Rebellion. England in 1381, Berkeley-Los Angeles 1994.
  38. Kipling, G. Enter the King. Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph, Oxford 1998.
  39. Lawton, D. Lollardy and the Piers Plowman Tradition, «Modern Language Review», LXXVI (1981), pp. 780-793.
  40. Lumby, J.R. (a cura di). Chronicon Henrici Knighton, vol. II, London 1895.
  41. Marsilii de Padua Defensor pacis, a cura di R. Scholz, Hannover 1932 (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, 7).
  42. McGrade, A.S. The Political Thought of William of Ockham. Personal and Institutional Principles, Cambridge 1974.
  43. Miethke, J. The concept of liberty in William of Ockham. In Théologie et droit dans la science politique de l’État moderne. Actes de la table ronde (Rome, 12-14 novembre 1987), Roma 1991, pp. 89-100.
  44. Mollat, M., Wolff, Ph. Ongles bleus, Jacques et Ciompi. Les révolutions populaires en Europe aux XIVe et XVe siècles, Paris 1970.
  45. Ormrod, W.M. An experiment in taxation. The English parish subsidy of 1371, «Speculum», 63 (1988), pp. 58-82.
  46. Ormrod, W.M. England in the Middle Ages, dans The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c. 1200-1815, a cura di R. Bonney, Oxford 1999.
  47. Pearsall, D. (a cura di). Piers Plowman by William Langland: an edition of the C Text, London 1978.
  48. Prescott, A. Great and Horrible Rumour’. Shaping the English Revolt of 1381. In The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt, a cura di J. Firnhaber-Baker et D. Schoenaers, Abingdon 2016, pp. 76-105
  49. Prescott, A.J. Judicial records of the rising of 1381, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London 1984.
  50. Putnam, B. The Enforcement of the Statute of Labourers, New York 1908.
  51. Réville, A. Le soulèvement des travailleurs d’Angleterre en 1381, Paris 1898.
  52. Reynolds, S. An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns, Oxford 1977.
  53. Rubin, M. Corpus Christi. The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture, Cambridge 1991.
  54. Schmidt, A.V.C. (a cura di). The Vision of Piers Plowman, London 1987.
  55. Shogimen, T. Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages, Cambridge 2007.
  56. Strohm, P. ‘A Revelle!’: Chronicle Evidence and the Rebel Voice. In P. Strohm, Hochon’s Arrow. The Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts, Princeton 1992, pp. 36-39.
  57. Tawney, R.H. The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century, London-New York 1912, p. 46, citato in R.H. Hilton, The Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England, London 1983, p. 58.
  58. Thrupp, S. The Merchant Class of Medieval London (1300-1500), Chicago 1948.
  59. Tierney, B. The Idea of Natural Rights. Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law, 1150-1625, Atlanta 1997.
  60. Von Nolcken, C. Piers Plowman, the Wycliffites and Pierce the Plowman's Creed, «Yearbook of Langland Studies», II (1988), pp. 71-102.
  61. Walsingham, Th. Chronicon Angliae, a cura di E.M. Thompson, London 1874.
  62. Walsingham, Th. Historia Anglicana, a cura di H.T. Riley, vol. I, London 1863.
  63. Walsingham, Th. Historia Anglicana, vol. II, London 1864.
  64. Watts, J. Conclusion. In The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt, a cura di J. Firnhaber-Baker et D. Schoenaers, Abingdon 2016, pp. 370-380.
  65. Wyclif, Iohannis. Sermones IV. Sermones Miscellanei (Quadraginta Sermones de Tempore. Sermones Mixti XXIV), a cura di J. Loserth, London 1890.
  66. Aegidii Columnae Romani De Regimine Principum libri III, Roma, apud Bartholomaeum Zanettum, 1607, disponible su Gallica: (05/2024).
  67. Alighieri, D. Monarchia, a cura di D. Quaglioni, Milano 2015. Traduzione francese di F. Livi, dans Dante, Œuvres complètes, a cura di Ch. Bec, Paris 1996.
  68. An princeps pro suo succursu, scilicet guerrae, possit recipere bona ecclesiarum etiam invito Papa. In Guillelmi de Ockham Opera politica, vol. I, a cura di H.S. Offler, Manchester 1974 [1940], pp. 221-267.
  69. Aston, M. Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni: Heresy and the Peasants’ Revolt, «Past and Present», 143 (1994).
  70. Barr, H. Signes ans sothe language in the Piers Plowman Tradition, Cambridge 1994.
  71. Busa, R. (a cura di). Ptolomaeus Lucensis De regimine principum [De Regno], Torino 1954, (05/2024).
  72. Challet, V., Forrest, I. The masses, dans Governing in Medieval England and France. Office, Network, Idea, a cura di Ch. Fletcher, J.-Ph. Genet et J. Watts, Cambridge 2015.
  73. Cohn, S.K. Jr. Lust for Liberty. The Politics of Social Revolt in Medieval Europe, 1200-1425, Cambridge Mass. 2006.
  74. Cole, A. William Langland and the Invention of Lollardy, dans Lollards and their influence in Late Medieval England, a cura di F. Somerset, J.C. Havens et D.G. Pitard, Woodbridge 2003, pp. 37-58.
  75. Coleman, J. The literature of social unrest. In J. Coleman, English Literature in History 1350-1450. Medieval Readers and Writers, London 1981, pp. 58-156.
  76. Dobson, R.B. The Peasant’s Revolt of 1381, London 1970.
  77. Duffy, E. The Stripping of the Altars. Traditional Religion in England c.1400-c.1580, New Haven-London 1992.
  78. Dunn, A. The Great Rising of 1381. The Peasants’ Revolt and England’s Failed Revolution, Stroud 2002, pp. 50-54
  79. Dyer, Ch. The Social and Economic Background to the Rural Revolt of 1381. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 9-42.
  80. Dyson, R.W. (a cura di). Three royalists tracts, 1296-1302. Antequam essent clerici; Disputatio inter Clericum et Militem; Quaestio in utramque partem, Bristol 1999.
  81. Eiden, H. Joint Action against ‘Bad’ Lordship: The Peasants’ Revolt in Essex and Norfolk, «History», 83 (1998), pp. 5-30.
  82. Faith, R. The ‘Great Rumour’ of 1377 and Peasant Ideology. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 43-73
  83. Fletcher, Ch. Justice, meurtre et leadership politique dans la Révolte anglaise de 1381, «Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes / Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies», 34 (2017), 2, pp. 61-86.
  84. Freedman, P. Images of the Medieval Peasant, Stanford 1999.
  85. Galbraith, V.H. (a cura di). Anonimalle Chonicle, 1333 to 1381, Manchester 1927.
  86. Genet, J.-Ph. (a cura di). Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages, London 1977.
  87. Genet, J.-Ph. Économie et Société rurale en Angleterre au XVe siècle d’après les comptes de l’Hôpital d’Ewelme, «Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations», 27 (1972), 6, pp. 1449-1474.
  88. Green, R.F. John Ball’s Letters: Literary History and Historical Literature. In Chaucer’s England in Historical Context, a cura di B. Hanawalt, Minneapolis 1992.
  89. Grellard, Ch., Lachaud, F. A Companion to John of Salisbury, Boston-Leyde 2016.
  90. Grellard, Ch., Lachaud, F. Jean de Salisbury : nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux, Firenze 2018.
  91. Guillelmi de Ockham. Opera Theologica, III, a cura di G.I. Etzkorn, Saint Bonaventure 1977.
  92. Harding, A. The Revolt against the Justices. In The English Rising of 1381, a cura di R.H. Hilton et T.H. Aston, Cambridge 1984, pp. 165-193.
  93. Harriss, G.L. King, Parliament and Public Finance in Medieval England to 1369, Oxford 1975.
  94. Hilton, R.H. Bond men made free. Medieval peasants movements and the English rising of 1381, London 1973.
  95. Hilton, R.H. The Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England, London 1983.
  96. Hudson, A. Piers Plowman and the Peasants’ Revolt: A Problem Revisited, «Yearbook of Langland Studies», 8 (1994), pp. 85-105
  97. Hudson, A. The Premature Reformation. Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History, Oxford 1988.
  98. Ioannis Saresberiensis Episcopi Carnotensis. Policraticus a cura di C.C.I. Webb, 2 vol., Oxford 1909.
  99. Ioannis Saresberiensis. Policraticus, I-IV, a cura di K.S. Keats-Rohan, Turnhout 1993 (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis, CXVIII).
  100. Jamieson, D. Willington and the Mowbrays. After the Peasant’s Revolt, Bridge Farm-Rochester N.Y. 2019.
  101. Jurkowski, M., Smith, C.L., Crook, D. Lay Taxes in England and Wales, 1188-1688, Kew 1998.
  102. Justice, S. Writing and Rebellion. England in 1381, Berkeley-Los Angeles 1994.
  103. Kipling, G. Enter the King. Theatre, Liturgy, and Ritual in the Medieval Civic Triumph, Oxford 1998.
  104. Lawton, D. Lollardy and the Piers Plowman Tradition, «Modern Language Review», LXXVI (1981), pp. 780-793.
  105. Lumby, J.R. (a cura di). Chronicon Henrici Knighton, vol. II, London 1895.
  106. Marsilii de Padua Defensor pacis, a cura di R. Scholz, Hannover 1932 (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, 7).
  107. McGrade, A.S. The Political Thought of William of Ockham. Personal and Institutional Principles, Cambridge 1974.
  108. Miethke, J. The concept of liberty in William of Ockham. In Théologie et droit dans la science politique de l’État moderne. Actes de la table ronde (Rome, 12-14 novembre 1987), Roma 1991, pp. 89-100.
  109. Mollat, M., Wolff, Ph. Ongles bleus, Jacques et Ciompi. Les révolutions populaires en Europe aux XIVe et XVe siècles, Paris 1970.
  110. Ormrod, W.M. An experiment in taxation. The English parish subsidy of 1371, «Speculum», 63 (1988), pp. 58-82.
  111. Ormrod, W.M. England in the Middle Ages, dans The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c. 1200-1815, a cura di R. Bonney, Oxford 1999.
  112. Pearsall, D. (a cura di). Piers Plowman by William Langland: an edition of the C Text, London 1978.
  113. Prescott, A. Great and Horrible Rumour’. Shaping the English Revolt of 1381. In The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt, a cura di J. Firnhaber-Baker et D. Schoenaers, Abingdon 2016, pp. 76-105
  114. Prescott, A.J. Judicial records of the rising of 1381, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London 1984.
  115. Putnam, B. The Enforcement of the Statute of Labourers, New York 1908.
  116. Réville, A. Le soulèvement des travailleurs d’Angleterre en 1381, Paris 1898.
  117. Reynolds, S. An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns, Oxford 1977.
  118. Rubin, M. Corpus Christi. The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture, Cambridge 1991.
  119. Schmidt, A.V.C. (a cura di). The Vision of Piers Plowman, London 1987.
  120. Shogimen, T. Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages, Cambridge 2007.
  121. Strohm, P. ‘A Revelle!’: Chronicle Evidence and the Rebel Voice. In P. Strohm, Hochon’s Arrow. The Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts, Princeton 1992, pp. 36-39.
  122. Tawney, R.H. The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century, London-New York 1912, p. 46, citato in R.H. Hilton, The Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England, London 1983, p. 58.
  123. Thrupp, S. The Merchant Class of Medieval London (1300-1500), Chicago 1948.
  124. Tierney, B. The Idea of Natural Rights. Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law, 1150-1625, Atlanta 1997.
  125. Von Nolcken, C. Piers Plowman, the Wycliffites and Pierce the Plowman's Creed, «Yearbook of Langland Studies», II (1988), pp. 71-102.
  126. Walsingham, Th. Chronicon Angliae, a cura di E.M. Thompson, London 1874.
  127. Walsingham, Th. Historia Anglicana, a cura di H.T. Riley, vol. I, London 1863.
  128. Walsingham, Th. Historia Anglicana, vol. II, London 1864.
  129. Watts, J. Conclusion. In The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt, a cura di J. Firnhaber-Baker et D. Schoenaers, Abingdon 2016, pp. 370-380.
  130. Wyclif, Iohannis. Sermones IV. Sermones Miscellanei (Quadraginta Sermones de Tempore. Sermones Mixti XXIV), a cura di J. Loserth, London 1890.
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Pages: 55-74
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2024 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2024 Author(s)

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

La liberté dans les royaumes: pratique et théorie


Jean-Philippe Genet





Peer Reviewed

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© 2024 Author(s)

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CC BY 4.0

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CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Libertas e libertates nel tardo medioevo. Realtà italiane nel contesto europeo

Book Subtitle

Atti del XVI Convegno di studi San Miniato 11-13 ottobre 2018


Andrea Zorzi

Peer Reviewed

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© 2024 Author(s)

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Firenze University Press



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Series Title

Centro di Studi sulla Civiltà del Tardo Medioevo San Miniato

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