The study of the textile sector has always been central to economic history: from reconstructions of the dynamic growth in the medieval wool industry, to the rise of silk and light and mixed fabrics in the modern era, to the driving role of cotton in the industrialisation process. Although the dynamics of textile manufacturing are closely linked to the transformations of fashion, economic history has long neglected its role as a factor in economic change, treating it primarily as a kind of exogenous catalyst. This book makes a decisive contribution to the understanding of a fundamental transformation, the consequences of which are projected into contemporary society, but which matured in pre-industrial times: the advent of fashion.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1008-1153
Tatiana Markaki
Innovations and the art of deception: mixed cloths in Venetian Crete (17th century)pp.15-24
Lluís To Figueras
Drapers and tailors. Fashion and consumption in medieval Cataloniapp.25-44
John Styles
Re-fashioning Industrial Revolution. Fibres, fashion and technical innovation in British cotton textiles, 1600-1780pp.45-71
Germán Navarro Espinach, Joaquín Aparici Martí
The colour of Valencian silk fabrics in the European market (1475-1513)pp.73-91
Nadia Fernández de Pinedo, Maria Paz Moral, Emiliano Fernández de Pinedo
Un changement radical dans la consommation de tissus par la royauté et son milieu (1293-1504): de la laine au lin et à la soiepp.119-145
Julien Villain
L’innovation de produit et les dynamiques de l’offre sur les marchés des étoffes de laine dans la France du XVIIIe siècle. Quelques aperçus quantitatifs et qualitatifspp.147-170
Moïra Dato, Pascale Gorguet-Ballesteros
Lyonnais silks «ad uttimo gusto»: the trade in fashionable waistcoats between France and Italy in the second half of the 18th centurypp.173-200
Daniel Muñoz Navarro
The virus of fashion. Democratization of luxury and new commercial strategies in early modern Valenciapp.201-219
Klas Nyberg
The production of international fashion in state-sponsored manufactures in Sweden-Finland, 1740-1810. Part Ipp.221-250
Aris Kafantogias
The catalyst of change. The clothing of the Viennese servants and their relation to fashion in the period 1760-1823pp.251-289
Peter Stabel
Unlikely followers of fashion? Dressing the poor in late medieval Brugespp.293-318
Juan Vicente García Marsilla, Luis Almenar Fernández
Fashion, emulation and social classes in late medieval Valencia. Exploring textile consumption through probate inventoriespp.341-366
Maryanne Kowaleski
Round Table comment. Fashion as an economic engine: continuity and changepp.395-401
Titolo del libro
La moda come motore economico: innovazione di processo e prodotto, nuove strategie commerciali, comportamento dei consumatori / Fashion as an economic engine: process and product innovation, commercial strategies, consumer behavior
Giampiero Nigro
Opera sottoposta a peer review
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Anno di pubblicazione
© 2022 Author(s)
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Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
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Datini Studies in Economic History
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