Davide Trentacoste

 FUP Scientific Cloud in cifre

    • Curatela

    Rereading Travellers to the East

    Shaping Identities and Building the Nation in Post-unification Italy

    A cura di   Beatrice Falcucci, Emanuele Giusti, Davide Trentacoste

    Anno di copyright: 2022

    • Capitolo

    New Perspectives on Nation-building and Orientalism in Italy from the Risorgimento to the Republic

    • Beatrice Falcucci, Emanuele Giusti, Davide Trentacoste

    Contenuto in: Connessioni. Studies in Transcultural History

    • Capitolo

    Medici Ambitions and Fascist Policies. (Re)reading the Relations between Italy and the Levant in the 1930s through the Historiography on Fakhr al-Dīn II

    • Davide Trentacoste

    Contenuto in: Connessioni. Studies in Transcultural History