This collection draws strength from its cross-disciplinarity, featuring contributions by scholars who investigate Bracciolini's contribution to many fields of knowledge in the Western tradition, spanning across politics and historiography, material and print culture, philology and manuscript studies, calligraphy and palaeography. The essays touch upon intertwined aspects of early Renaissance in its recovery of the classical tradition where the concept of humanitas extends to the manuscript itself. “This distinguished collection of essays adds a wealth of scholarly detail to our understanding of the myriad-minded Renaissance humanist Poggio Bracciolini. And, in doing so, it also managed to capture much of the range and flavour of this extraordinary figure: his learning, his passionate interest in antiquity, his civic pride, and his brilliance in calligraphic design, as well as his ceaseless self-promotion , his enmities, his taste for obscenity, and his penchant for moralizing. Poggio's startling energy and the energy of the whole period course through these pages" (Stephen Greenblatt)
Bryn Mawr College, United States
Ann Mullaney, Massimo Zaggia
Florence 1438: The Encomium of the Florentina Libertas Sent by Poggio Bracciolini to Duke Filippo Maria Viscontipp.1-24
Outi Merisalo
The Historiae Florentini populi by Poggio Bracciolini. Genesis and Fortune of an Alternative History of Florencepp.25-40
David Rundle
Poggio Bracciolini’s International Reputation and the Significance of Bryn Mawr, ms. 48pp.41-70
Stefano Baldassarri
Poggio Bracciolini and Coluccio Salutati: The Epitaph and the 1405-1406 Letterspp.71-87
Roberta Ricci
Shifting Times, Converging Futures: Technologies of Writing Beyond Poggio Bracciolinipp.103-117
Philippa Sissis
Script as Image: Visual Acuity in the Script of Poggio Bracciolinipp.119-148
Paul Shaw
Poggio Bracciolini, an Inscription in Terranuova, and the Monument to Carlo Marsuppini: A Theorypp.149-162
Eric L. Pumroy
Poggio Bracciolini, Phyllis Goodhart Gordan, and the Formation of the Goodhart Collection of Fifteenth-Century Books at Bryn Mawr Collegepp.189-197
Titolo del libro
Poggio Bracciolini and the Re(dis)covery of Antiquity: Textual and Material Traditions
Sottotitolo del libro
Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College on April 8-9, 2016
Roberta Ricci
Opera sottoposta a peer review
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Anno di pubblicazione
© 2020 Author(s)
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Firenze University Press
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