Edited Book

L'Europa e i conflitti armati

Prevenzione, difesa nonviolenta e Corpi civili di pace
  • Edited by:
  • Alberto L'Abate,
  • Lorenzo Porta,

As the result of one of the most important conferences held in Italy on the role of the European civil peace corps in the prevention of armed conflicts, this volume collects the contributions of some of the best Italian and international scholars who have dealt with peacekeeping and peace building, constituting an important tool for the dissemination of these themes in high schools and universities according to the provisions of an approved ministerial project. Two introductory interventions by the curators, Alberto L'Abate and Lorenzo Porta, update the volume to the most recent events and at the same time illustrate the guidelines and contradictions of EU policies on conflict prevention and disarmament. A particular section is then dedicated to the Serbian-Albanian conflict in Kosovo and to the risk of a new outbreak of hostilities, analysed through the dialoguing voices of exponents from opposite sides. The premise by Antonio Cassese, former President of the Hague Court for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia and Professor of International Law at the University of Florence, also emphasises the same theme, presenting interesting proposals focused on the role of mediation of the EU. Finally, the volume is completed by the appendices which offer a compendium of the history of Indian non-violence and the Shanti Sena. Documents on the results of the most recent European debate on non-violent resistance, defence and civil intervention in a conflict zone follow. Press review: GAIA, June 2009: A winning strategy: building peace from below

  • Keywords:
  • Sociologia,
  • Politica,
  • Relazioni internazionali,
  • Diritti umani,
  • Atti di convegno,
  • Unione europea,
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Alberto L'Abate

University of Florence, Italy

Lorenzo Porta

CEDAS, Centro di documentazione sociale per la nonviolenza e i diritti umani , Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-0508-2696

Alberto L'Abate teaches Methodology of Research for Peace and Sociology of Conflicts and Research for Peace at the University of Florence. Founder and coordinator of the Non-violence Training School of the San Gimignano Peace House, he was ambassador for peace in Kosovo. He is the author of numerous publications on conflict mediation and national president of the IPRI-CCP Network which promotes the creation of civil peace corps for non-violent intervention, prevention and interruption of armed conflicts. Lorenzo Porta is President of the Social Documentation Centre for Non-violence and Human Rights (CEDAS). Former professor of Sociology of Education, he currently teaches Mutual Maieutics and Action-Research for Peace at the University of Florence. He collaborates with the journal "Keshet" and with "Peace Power" (Berkeley CA). He is the author of Il pregiudizio antisemitico. Una ricerca intervento nella scuola; Autobiografie a scuola. Un metodo maieutico (Franco Angeli 1999; 2004), and Sul buon uso degli anniversari: memoria e futuro a partire da Danilo Dolci, «Segno» (in press). One of his writings on mutual maieutics and autobiographical writing as a method for the emergence of radical needs is soon to be published
  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Pages: 364

  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Pages: 364

  • Publication Year: 2008

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

L'Europa e i conflitti armati

Book Subtitle

Prevenzione, difesa nonviolenta e Corpi civili di pace


Alberto L'Abate, Lorenzo Porta

Peer Reviewed

Number of Pages


Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2008 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



ISBN Print


eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


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News and Events
Gio-vani e pace: XIV corso della Scuola di Pace
  • 20/03/2009
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  • Auditorium San Rocco Senigallia
La Nonviolenza la forza che trasformerà il mondo: a Palazzo Vecchio la Tavola della Nonviolenza di Firenze
  • 02/10/2008
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  • Palazzo Vecchio Sala delle Miniature Piazza della Signoria Firenze


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