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Captured Glimpses of Modernity and War in Late Qing China

  • Aglaia De Angeli

This chapter evaluates the role of photography in witnessing the modernising process in China during the late Qing period and conflicts which stemmed from it. The camera, introduced in China during the First Opium War (1839–1842), allowed Western eyes to record the establishment of trade routes and associated facilities. The photos examined here were taken immediately before and during the Russo-Japanese War. The photographs appear to have been focusing on technological developments in trade infrastructure, but they also captured the conspicuous Japanese and Russian military presence. Consequently, the photographs reveal the Western role in the “development” of China by its incorporation into global trading networks and violent conflicts fought over control of this infrastructure.

  • Keywords:
  • Photography; China; Russo-Japanese War; Infrastructure; Trade,
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Aglaia De Angeli

Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom - ORCID: 0000-0003-3948-3612

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  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
  • Pagine: 137-157

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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Captured Glimpses of Modernity and War in Late Qing China


Aglaia De Angeli





Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2023 Author(s)

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East and West Entangled (17th-21st Centuries)


Rolando Minuti, Giovanni Tarantino

Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2023 Author(s)

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CC BY 4.0

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CC0 1.0


Firenze University Press



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