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Australians’ Literatures and Cultures in Tuscany

  • Roberta Trapè

Italy has been the destination of a lifetime for an endless stream of travellers and since the start of Australian travel to Italy, Tuscany has always had a special and persistent attraction for Australian writers and artists. The connection between Italy and Australia will be explored here highlighting two periods in which Tuscany, and particularly Florence and Prato, became active and lively hubs for the reflection and study of the relationship between Australia and Italy. I will refer to a conference organised by Gaetano Prampolini and Marie Christine Hubert in 1989 at the University of Florence, “An Antipodean Connection: Australian Writers, Artists and Travellers in Tuscany”, and to the first decade of the 21st century when Anna Maria Pagliaro was Director of the Monash Prato Centre (2005-2008).

  • Keywords:
  • Australia and Italy,
  • Australians in Tuscany,
  • Australian Travel to Italy,
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Roberta Trapè

University of Melbourne, Australia - ORCID: 0000-0001-5258-2258

  1. Carter, Paul, and Roberta Trapè. 2018. “Archaeologies of Diving: Paul Carter’s engagement with Italy.” Le Simplegadi 16, 18: 227-238. DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-110
  2. Hazzard, Shirley, and Francis Steegmuller. 2008 (1976). The Ancient Shore. Dispatches from Naples. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  3. Kent, Bill, Ros Pesman, and Cynthia Troup, edited by. 2008. Australians in Italy: Contemporary Lives and Impressions. Clayton: Monash University ePress.
  4. O’Grady, Desmond, and Stephen Tobin. 2012. Australians and New Zealanders in Tuscany. Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa.
  5. Pesman, Roslyn. 1991. “Australian Images of Rome.” Bollettino del Centro interuniversitario di ricerche sul “Viaggio in Italia” 23: 46-68.
  6. Prampolini, Gaetano, and Marie-Christine Hubert, edited by. 1993. An Antipodean Connection. Australian Writers, Artists and Travellers in Tuscany. Geneve: Slatkine.
  7. Smart, Jeffrey. 2000 (1996). Not Quite Straight. A Memoir. Milsons Point: Random House Australia.
  8. Trapè, Roberta. 2011. Imaging Italy Through the Eyes of Australian Travellers (1990-2010). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  9. Trapè, Roberta. 2016. “A Sacred Journey to Naples: Michelle de Kretser’s Questions of Travel.” Le Simplegadi 14, 16: 95-117. DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-47
  10. Trapè, Roberta. 2017. “Simon West’s The Ladder: Space and Its Historical Dimension in Italy and in Australia.” LEA Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente 6: 193-211.
  11. Trapè, Roberta. 2018. “Paul Carter’s ‘Translation’ of Italy in Baroque Memories. (1994). Layering and Multiplicity in the Construction of the Migrant.” Il Confronto Letterario, Quaderni di Letterature Straniere Moderne e Comparate dell’Università di Pavia, 69: 155-173.
  12. Trapè, Roberta. 2019. “ ‘There was never any gift outright’: Australian Poet Simon West Discusses Poetry and Place in His Fourth Collection Carol and Ahoy (2018).” Il Tolomeo 21: 285-295.
  13. Whitlam, Gough. 2002. My Italian Notebook. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2022
  • Pagine: 129-143

  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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Australians’ Literatures and Cultures in Tuscany


Roberta Trapè





Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2022 Author(s)

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Informazioni bibliografiche

Titolo del libro

Rewriting and Rereading the XIX and XX-Century Canons

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Offerings for Annamaria Pagliaro


Samuele Grassi, Brian Zuccala

Opera sottoposta a peer review

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© 2022 Author(s)

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CC BY 4.0

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CC0 1.0


Firenze University Press



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Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna

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